Let Me Go

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Book: Let Me Go by DC Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: DC Renee
Tags: Lust, Revenge, love, kidnap, desire, passion, go, let go, let me go
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no break.
Saturday rolled around, and although Mason was home more than the
rest of the week, he still avoided her. When he came home from one
of his outings, she realized he had gone grocery shopping. She kept
up her pleasantries and asserted her innocence and even stood up to
him a few times, but it always ended the same. He would get in her
face, talk back, and in the end, never believed her.
    Sunday morning came and he finally spoke
first. “My buddies are coming over to watch the game.” Which game
didn’t matter to her, but something about seeing more people than
Mason’s angry face got her insides a little tingly. He must have
noticed it on her face because he proceed to explain, “They all
know about our little arrangement, so don’t even bother trying to
get any of them to bust you out of here. They will laugh in your
face. I expect you to be on your best behavior, and of course, you
will serve us. Finish cleaning and then prepare for my friends. Put
out chips, dip, beer, the works. Whatever you think a bunch of guys
would like. I trust you are competent enough to figure that out.”
He was goading her. He may not know her well enough, but he knew
she wasn’t incompetent. Ugh! And she still hadn’t learned
anything else about him.
    A few hours later, three guys came over. He
didn’t bother introducing them to her; they all seemed to know who
she was, and they all leered at her. And yes, she was still wearing
the damn French maid getup. It had stopped bothering her around
Mason, but now with three guys staring at her barely covered body,
she wanted to run and hide. She had always been so shy and now she
was on display for three guys that looked kind of like thugs.
    “My, my, I didn’t realize how fine you are,”
said the guy she later learned was known as Chain. He turned toward
Mason and slapped him on the back. “Lucky bastard.” That was all he
really said to her all day.
    A guy named John simply nodded at her, but
she noticed every so often that his eyes watched her pretty
    Lastly, she found out the third guy was
Benny. He was actually pretty nice. However when he greeted her, it
appeared as if he already knew her, but she didn’t know how. He
also seemed to be the ring leader, and he looked the most cleaned
up of the three. He seemed to be the closest with Mason. She stood
for most of the day, fetching the guys’ cold beer, and watching
them throw food at each other. She made them lunch, served them,
and just listened to them interact, most of which was making fun of
each other or yelling at the television. Turns out they were
watching hockey. She wasn’t much of a sports fan, but yeah, she
liked hockey. Oh, who was she kidding, she loved hockey . Her
kidnapper just had to go and put on her favorite sport. Damn
him! She secretly watched the game, enjoying it so much that if
she hadn’t known better, she would think she was watching just a
couple of regular guys hanging out. It reminded her of her college
years in the dorms. The guys were rowdy, but they had a blast. If
she could just check out from the reality of her situation, she
would actually enjoy watching these guys have fun. And for a brief
moment, she did just that. She pretended she was back in the
library, watching four cute guys messing around while she observed
from the corner and drooled, lost in a book, but peeking over the
cover every so often. Yep, definitely a memory from college. Damn, she had barely been reading since she got here . She
missed her romance novel heroes. Too bad one couldn’t save her now.
Of course, she thought Mr. Green Eyes was saving her in her dreams
too, so clearly she was a bad judge of heroes. She turned back to
the television, still lost in her thoughts, when her team scored.
“GOAL!” she yelled before she could stop herself, sliding into a
little happy dance. The guys all turned, staring at her like she
had grown horns. “Oops,” she responded shyly, “beer anyone?” She
caught a smirk

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