Legendary Detective at the World's End (Volume 1)

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Book: Legendary Detective at the World's End (Volume 1) by Kaye Wagner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaye Wagner
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the players before walking away.
       “Excuse me,” Kirin said. “But Mr. Green Thief, can I ask you favor and look over this deal we are going over?”
       “Deal?” Davos said raising an eyebrow.
         The Green Thief turned around and walked over to Kirin. “You’re an odd fellow, you know that? Shoot… Tell me this deal.”
       “Mr. Davos,” Kirin said. “I don’t blame you for your tricks—such obvious schemes are a part of the gamble, something my pitiful acquaintance Lee failed to recognize, so I won’t ask you for any of his money back.”
       “Hey!” Lee grumbled.
       “Hmmm…” Davos said keeping an eye on the thieves rummaging through his safe, his anger showing. “Well, that doesn’t matter now—they stole his money along with ours.”
       “Which brings me to my deal.” Kirin said resting his folded hands on the table as he wore a cocky grin on his youthful face. “How about I get you all your winnings and valuables back.”
       “What?” Davos said perplexed for a moment. “What are you talking about?”
       “What I’m talking about…” Kirin said looking over to the Green Thief who watched with a perplex expression that showed through his mask. “I’m talking about robbing the thieves robbing you now.” Kirin continued. “I think I can track their movements and have them found by sunrise.”
         Davos quickly looked at the overconfident stare of Kirin with confusion and apprehension, wondering if he was being fooled now.
       “Don’t worry,” Kirin added. “You’re not being fooled. Because all I want in return for doing this favor is my friend’s money back and all his debt cleared from your organization. I’m not asking for much here, I think you’re getting a bargain.”
         Davos looked at the Green Thief’s confused eyes staring at the overconfident declaration that Kirin made in front of him. Noticing the thief’s confusion, Davos found his own train of thought and spoke it.
       “Fine.” Davos said leaning back in his chair as he threw away the cards in his hand. “We’ve got a deal. You get all my goods and money back, and I mean 100%, everything back, then I’ll clear your friend’s debt.”
       “No.” Kirin interrupted in a commanding tone. “The debt is automatically cleared if you agree to this deal, the rest hinges on if we get all of it back.”
         Davos groaned with frustration at Kirin’s perceptiveness of his attempt to weasel his way out of what seemed to be a ridiculous deal.
       “Are you serious?” the Green Thief smirked. “Kid, you think you can catch us?” He said as he looked back at his thieves zipping up their filled backpacks before exiting the room in a hurry. “Hey, the kid here thinks he can catch us.” He said to the snickers of the exiting thieves.
       “Kid, you really are an odd one, aren’t you?” The Green Thief said. “What’s your name?”
       “Detective Kirin.” He replied.
       “A detective, huh? So that’s where you confidence comes from, you think you’re a detective. Alright.” He nodded his head. “Well, let’s just skip the inevitable and kill you right now.” He said aiming his revolver at the head of Kirin. However, Kirin did not flinch—he only chuckled under his breath.
       “Oh, how fragile the mind of a thief is. To be intimidated by someone so young and inexperienced. I tell you what—I’ll give you an hour head start, how about that? Is that enough of a cushion for you?” Kirin said this with a sharp and daring tone. The Green Thief’s finger lingered on the trigger of his gun. The last thief remaining in the room beside him tapped his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.” He said trying to pull the Green Thief away. As he did, the Green Thief smiled before lowering his gun. “Let’s see if you can find the Underground…” he said walking away to the somewhat disgruntled looks from Davos and his crew at the mention

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