Left on St. Truth-Be-Well
the time. It’ll be a growing experience for both of us, you think?”
    Carson let out a breath that might have been a laugh. “I guess we all need to grow. Think Stassy’ll be okay here by himself?”
    “Think you could ask him?”
    “God, you’re bossy.”
    “Yeah, I’m that way in bed too. Be prepared.”
    Carson jerked a little. “I top in bed!” He was absolutely sure of this. Every broom closet fuck he’d ever had told him so.
    Dale snorted and rubbed a thumb over Carson’s lower lip. Without meaning to, Carson went limp and soft and needy. Dale leaned close enough for his lips to brush Carson’s ear. “You let yourself believe that,” he whispered. “I won’t tell you different.”
    Dale’s throaty laughter in his ear had him shaking, hard and aroused in his seat. “Be back around eight, Carson. Get some sleep, have some dinner. You’ll need your strength.”
    He’d gotten out and shut the door before Carson was sure he could unbuckle his seatbelt and slide out of the car and not shoot off in his pants if he accidentally brushed his hard cock through his jeans.
    W HEN Carson woke up in the dark, quiet room, he could make out Stassy perched on the dresser, devouring the rest of the pizza. Carson’s stomach growled, reminding him he was supposed to eat before Dale came back. “Hey, Stassy, feeling better?”
    The young man nodded seriously. “I was sleeping on the dunes next to the hotel,” he said after a swallow of pizza. “God, I could sleep in a bed with clean sheets for a whole other week.”
    “Yeah, well, I’m sorry that happened. If it makes you feel any better, I got a line on Toby, and he’s safe. He’s laying low with family, keeps asking for you. We passed on the message that you’re okay.”
    Stassy had a sweet oval face with a slight dent in his chin (nothing compared to that valley Dale had, but it was cute), and that face lit up like a house fire with the news. “Yeah? That’s great to hear. Thanks, Carson.”
    Carson shrugged and squinted at the clock. Seven thirty. Suddenly his heart started banging around in his chest like a clumsy repairman, hitting his ribs, stomach, throat, and, hey, wow, yeah, there you go, right in the groin. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and thought, I have to pack for my date.
    When he spoke, he tried to keep his voice so casual, Stassy would hardly notice he talked at all. “Yeah, actually, me and Dale are gonna go ask some questions on our own, you know, see what happened.”
    “Can I come with?” Stassy asked, but he didn’t sound all that excited.
    “Naw, you stay here and rest up, and maybe call your Uncle Ivan and convince him not to send his goons out to kill more people, if you can, okay?”
    Stassy nodded glumly. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. I’ll put in a good word for you, though, Carson. You’ve been a stand-up guy.”
    Carson moved to the mirror and started to brush his teeth, wondering if he needed to shave. “Thanks. I was worried about you, kid. I mean, I thought we were connecting, and then you up and disappeared. Needed to make sure you were okay.” Yeah. He had a day’s worth of brown stubble, made his soul patch look like a furry pitcher’s mound. He should probably shave. He’d shave if Dale was a girl, right? Yup. He spat and rinsed before pulling his little rechargeable electric out of his kit to plug it in.
    Behind him, in the mirror, he could see Stassy nod. “Well, thank you. Why you getting all pretty?”
    Carson shrugged. “We’re going to go question that freaky woman at the counter of the roach motel. Don’t want to scare her. Jesus, Stassy, how could you have stayed there longer than an hour? Seriously? You must be braver than you look!”
    “Well, we got one of the good rooms, and Toby bought a couple of roach motels, so that helped. Which room did you get?”
    “The ones with the sexual remains on the bed. Please tell me those weren’t yours!”

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