Left Behind (Ghosts Of War Book 4)

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Book: Left Behind (Ghosts Of War Book 4) by Angelo Benuzzi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angelo Benuzzi
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    The scent of black tea was particularly strong in the main deck, it was a tradition for all the scientific crews aboard RSS “Zel’dovich” to celebrate the beginning of a mission after boring weeks of inter-system travel.  For Mikhail Babushkin, astronomer and ship commander, was the final trip after twenty years of deep space service. His second was a freshman from the national Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Anuchin, also an astronomer with a degree in engineering. Both of them were looking at the main screen, reading the diagnostic messages from the main sensor array.
    «All right, we’re sixty seconds to complete our setup. Ready to look at the fabulous Pluto?»
    «I am, Mikhail. Today we’re making history.»
    «Please, not again.» Babushkin took another sip of tea. «We’re not the first manned mission here, I’ve already told you about that.»
    «Yes, I know. But I will keep my point. We don’t know if it’s true that the Chinese reached so far in wartime.»
    Mikhail was about to answer, but the images on the main screen commanded attention. On-board computers were highlighting two red dots, both orbiting Charon. A few seconds after, another red signal bubbled up. This was near Pluto. Then another. Anuchin started a batch of subprograms, his eyes focused to the display.
    «What the Hell is going on?» The commander couldn’t stop staring at the red dots.
    « Mikhail, we have a preliminary ID. Visual match for Q-type habitat.» The young scientist looked puzzled and a bit scared. «It’s Chinese stuff.»  
    Babushkin didn’t answer, the red dots on the screen were a connection to his past, to a day he could not forget. Guided by decades of service, his hands were already on the emergency communication panel, unlocking the plastic protection. Dmitry grabbed his hands, just a moment before the activation.
    « Mikhail, wait a moment. The war ended twenty years ago. If we send out the distress signal now we will have to leave. We don’t know nothing yet. Those structures could be empty.»
    «You don’t understand, do you? This is not a colony, nor is some sort of old battle station. This is where they put the people they capture in the first stage of the war. Have you ever heard about the no-man’s land?»
    It was Anuchin’s turn to be silent. Of all the dark legends connected to the last war the tale about the no-man’s land was the worst. Thousands of people were captured by the Chinese cyborgs in the first year of war, men and women of every nation kidnapped from ships and habitats and vanished forever. Yari Babushkin, Mikhail‘ s youngest brother, was among them.
    « Mikhail, we are scientists. There is a protocol to follow and we have to be sure of what we’ve found here. Maybe you’re right, I don’t know what to think about our current situation. We have to investigate and then communicate to the Institute. Is it good for you?»
    Babushkin slowly closed the protection of the emergency panel, his mouth a tight line of tension.
    «You’re right, we have to investigate. But mark my words, if the Chinese are here we’re doomed. Death will be a gift if they get us. We will transmit to Earth in automatic mode from now on, full array of signals plus audio and video. Behave properly Dmitry, as you tell me before we’re making history.»     

    While the RSS “Zel’dovich” slowly continued his voyage, the Russian crew was busy with the observation protocol. Size, albedo and orbit of the four habitats were assessed, a number of smaller objects around Pluto and Charon also tracked and confirmed.
    «Dmitry, start the data comparison for Pluto surface. I’m doing the same with Charon. Check it out starting from the north pole.»
    «Will do. I think we’re up for more surprises. I have a preliminary check about Nyx and Hydra, Kerberos and Styx will follow. So far, no signs of human activity. By the way, first two transmissions are out. Green light for data compression and check

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