Lawyers In Love: In His Own Defense

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Book: Lawyers In Love: In His Own Defense by Ann Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Jacobs
Tags: Romance, Erotic
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beard stubble along the contour of his jaw tickled her fingertips. A pulsating vein in his neck confirmed life, proved reality when she moved her hand lower.
    Each wave that broke gently against the boat rocked their bodies closer, then taunted her as it ebbed and drew them subtly apart. The heat within her pooled and spread, driven by the hard, hot proof of his desire that pressed against her belly through their clothes. He wanted her as much as he made her want him. She felt empowered. Sexy.
    Suddenly he ended the kiss and met her gaze. “What do you want, Krissy?” he asked, his deep voice ragged.
    She opened her mouth, but words wouldn’t come. God, how she wanted him, more than she wanted her next breath. But she was afraid. Afraid the flames of desire he’d ignited with a kiss would explode into a conflagration that would consume them both.

Chapter Seven
    Moonlight reflected off her pale, silky hair. She looked like an angel, a ray of light in the darkness of night on the water. A very aroused, very frightened angel.
    Still silent, she tightened her grip on Tony’s shoulders and pulled him back into an embrace.
    “Tell me,” he coaxed.
    Her sweet hot breath scalded him when she burrowed her face into his chest. “I want you to make love to me,” she murmured, the words so muffled that he wondered whether she’d said them or he’d dreamed them.
    God, he wanted to lift her in his arms, take her below, and fuck her all night long. And knowing she wanted him, too, had his balls tightening in anticipation. His cock hadn’t felt so full in years.
    But he sensed fear as well as longing when she trembled in his arms. And he had a real strong feeling that he wanted much more with her than a moment of physical release.
    That scared him, too. He wasn’t ready to get in quite that deep. Too many issues stood between them. Not just the fact of him being a defense attorney and her a prosecutor, but deeper concerns. Issues rooted in their pasts that couldn’t help but complicate any relationship they might develop now.
    They’d have to resolve at least some of those issues before jumping headlong into an affair he sensed would be more intense than any relationship he’d experienced in the past.
    When he put a few inches of distance between them, the breeze kissed his heated body but did little to quench the flames.
    Tony looked up at the black velvet sky, then met Kristine’s questioning gaze. “You can’t help knowing I want you, too. But I didn’t bring you out here tonight to seduce you.”
    “Then why?”
    “To share the stars. The rocking of the boat in the waves. I wanted us to spend some time getting to know each other without getting distracted by other people. By our jobs.”
    He sat, legs spread, and drew her down into the space between his thighs. “Look,” he told her, “there’s the Big Bear.”
    “The stars look so close. So bright. How do you know their names?”
    “When I was a kid, I’d go out at night with my father, and he’d point out the constellations.” Somehow the celestial bodies hadn’t seemed as bright then as they did tonight.
    With Krissy in his arms, her warm, fragrant body pressed tightly against his chest, the stars seemed closer, made Tony believe he could conquer the world. When he nuzzled the fine blond hair that skimmed her shoulders, he smelled gardenias. How could he ever have thought she was anything but beautiful?
    “Did I mention how gorgeous you look tonight?” he asked, letting his hand drift from her waist along soft black silk to rest on the outside of her thigh. “Every man in the yacht club was staring at us. Envying me.”
    “All the women were looking at you.”
    “They probably wanted to see what the shyster who got Manny Garcia off looks like,” he replied, only half joking.
    “I don’t think so. Tony, why do you do it?”
    “Do what?”
    “Defend people like him.”
    The warm breeze suddenly turned to ice against the

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