Laura's Light

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Book: Laura's Light by Donna Gallagher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Gallagher
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divining stroke of luck, the voice on the other end of the phone belonged to Brodie James, Trevor’s own personal guardian angel. How Brodie always seem to ring at the most important times in Trevor’s life, Trevor had no clue, but that voice on the line, that familiar sound, connected to his spirit.
    “Hey, Trev, it’s Brodie. Glad I caught you. Was wondering if you feel like a gym session? A little birdie just told me that some of my Jets boys have been and gone. I know I’m just the assistant coach, but I feel like if I don’t keep in some sort of shape the boys will get the better of me, and I haven’t hit the gym in weeks.”
    “Brodes, don’t know if I’m up for it, mate.” Trevor’s voice sounded flat and even though he tried to keep the darkness from his voice, he just knew Brodie would pick up on it straight away, so he tried to lighten his tone with some humour.
    “The missus given you a leave pass or something? Where is your partner in crime? Wouldn’t JT normally jump at the chance to show off his brawn at the gym?” Trevor added, trying to sound better than he felt. But Brodie had already picked up on his mood.
    “Trev, you sound a bit flat. Everything okay, buddy? I thought you would be in a better frame of mind after your speedy exit from Mia’s last night. Did it not go well? You and Laura, I mean.”
    “Huh, what is it with you, Brodie? Always so touchy-feely, and fretting all the time. Butting into everyone’s business.” Trevor’s tone was sharp, but he couldn’t help the bitterness aimed at his friend. He didn’t really mean the words he had spoken.
    “Wow, man, I didn’t mean to upset you. I think a gym session is just what you need. I’m coming over and I’m not taking no for an answer. And just to clarify your disparaging remarks over my needing a leave pass from my wife, yep, you’re spot on. Apparently I’m getting on her nerves, being underfoot all the time. She and Mandy are going shopping. JT is hitting the gym as well. We just thought maybe you’d like a session. And it is clear you need one.” Brodie’s dark chuckle filtered down the line. No matter what Trevor said, no matter how rudely he spoke, Brodie always managed to ignore it, managed to find some humour to lighten the mood.
    “Sorry, mate, didn’t mean to bite your head off. Yeah, you’re probably right. No point sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Maybe a few rounds of boxing with the big fella might knock some sense into me. Appreciate the invite. I’ll be ready when you get here.”
    “Goodo! And Trev, whatever it is that has you down, it’ll pass. You’ve got support—you know that, right?”
    After hanging up, Trevor felt slightly more with it. Brodie was right—no point dwelling on stuff that had happened. It was better to concentrate on the good things in his life. His mates, his job, the rugby league community—especially his old club, the Jets—those things were his lifelines. He could count on Brodie to have his back and not judge. Trevor needed his mate, and with Brodie’s help he would not fall into that dark abyss that was always a lingering presence in his life.

Chapter Eleven
    “Hey, Ma, you home? Is it safe to come in? You’re not doing anything that might scar my young, impressionable mind, are you?”
    Laura was sitting at the kitchen table when she heard her son come home, and she tried not to overact at his light-hearted jest. God, she was a mess. She needed to pull herself together for the sake of her son.
    “Yeah, funny, Mitchell. I’m here in the kitchen, and yes, fully clothed and acting like a respectable mother should.”
    “Good to know, Mum.” Mitchell said as he entered the room and made a beeline for the refrigerator, dropping his gear bag on the floor next to the table. “So I don’t suppose this respectable mother has been cooking? You know, made something to eat for her starving son?”
    When her son entered their home, his first mission was

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