Land of My Heart

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Book: Land of My Heart by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
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    What have I gotten myself into? Trenton couldn’t help but wonder. The storm of confusion within him was ten times worse than the raging storm about him. All I want to do is avenge Pa’s death. I just want to show the Yankees that they can’t treat people that way and not expect retaliation . Although he couldn’t be sure, Trent felt confident that it had been a Yankee bullet that had killed his father. Robbie felt confident too. His father had heard talk. Still, there was some concern—some doubt. Trenton clenched his hands into fists. I can’t worry about it one way or another. This is my way of honoring Pa .
    “Not that I honored him that much when he was alive,” Trenton muttered. But revenge for his father was a far cry from killing helpless old men whose only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    Trenton stood, then walked to the edge of the porch. He’d had a poor relationship with his father—especially after the War Between the States started. With the Union takeover of New Madrid, Trenton’s respect for his father had shrunk each day. He had watched his father do business with the Yankees as if nothing had ever happened. He had heard his mother weeping late into the night and knew it was because her loyalties were torn. Little by little the war had taken its toll on Trenton’s family.
    His thoughts turned to Dianne. They’d always been close. Some of his friends couldn’t understand this, but then, they hadn’t grown up in the Chadwick household. Trenton had never been close to his parents and always felt like the odd man out with his brothers. As twins, Zane and Morgan always held more interest in each other than in him. He could remember working hard to pit them against each other when they’d been younger, but it never lasted long. Zane might come over to Trenton’s way of thinking for a time, but in the end, he would return to Morgan for companionship.
    He knew that Dianne understood this as well. She didn’t fit in with the twins because she was a girl, first and foremost. She also didn’t appeal to Zane and Morgan because she was younger. But Trenton hadn’t cared—her company made life bearable. They talked, unlike many siblings he knew.
    As if on cue, Sam Wilson hurled a string of obscenities at his brother as he came stalking out the front door. “A body oughtn’t to have to tend to horses in this kind of weather,” the small man grumbled, looking at Trenton as he stepped off the porch into the rain.
    Trenton said nothing. It was best that way.
    The storm appeared to be moving off to the east, but the rain showed no signs of letting up. Trenton went back to his chair and his thoughts of Dianne. She was his one real regret in leaving home. He wanted very much to protect her from the evils of the world. Dianne had the potential to marry well and make something of herself. Maybe that was why he didn’t see sense in the family moving west. Dianne would have no chance to meet up with decent men in Indian country. Trenton was confident of this point.
    “What are you doing out here in the dark?” Robbie Danssen asked as he stepped outside.
    “I was tired of the bickering,” Trenton told his friend. “Those two fight more than anybody I’ve ever seen.”
    Robbie laughed and took a seat on the chair next to Trenton’s. “Yeah, that’s for sure. They’ll probably end up killing each other after they finish off the Yankees.”
    “I hope you know what you’re doing, getting us involved with them,” Trenton continued. The gang had plans to blow up a Union supply house the following night. “I’m not entirely comfortable with this, you know.”
    Robbie lowered his voice. “You don’t want them hearing you talk like that. You know how Jerry is about things. He won’t like it one bit if he thinks your loyalty is in question.”
    “It isn’t my loyalty that’s in question. It’s his temper and nonsense with Sam. If they can’t stop

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