Land of My Heart

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Book: Land of My Heart by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
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fighting long enough to spend a quiet evening together, what’s going to keep them from jeopardizing our mission?”
    “Money. That’s the only thing Jerry cares about,” Robbie replied. “That and the fact that he’s as short as a stump. He can’t do anything about his height, though, so he’ll rob his way to happiness.”
    “He’s going to get one of us killed if he’s not careful. Fighting with Sam is no way to build my confidence in his leadership ability.”
    Robbie snorted a laugh. “I don’t much imagine Jerry cares whether we have confidence in his leadership ability or not. He’d just as soon shoot his own brother as look at him—I doubt seriously he has any great affection for us.”
    “I suppose you’re right.”
    They sat in silence for several moments until Sam Wilson came stomping back, still cussing and as mad as when he’d left only moments before.
    “Now I’m wet clear through and cold as a dog left out on Christmas morning.” He ignored Trenton and Robbie and threw open the door, letting out another string of curses. “Jerry, I’m tellin’ you, I ain’t going out again tonight, so don’t even think of bossin’ me around or I’ll take my knife and—” He slammed the door behind him, muting the words.
    “I sure could use a drink,” Robbie said, ignoring Sam. “Too bad it’s raining. We could ride into town and settle in for a night of fun.”
    “You know I don’t go to saloons,” Trenton replied. “My ma would ride all the way back from the Idaho Territory just to box my ears if she thought I was drinking.”
    “No doubt she’d highly approve of your joining up with Jerry’s gang,” Robbie said sarcastically. “You’re a man now, Trent. Your mama ain’t got any say over you now.”
    Trenton knew the truth of it, but still he hated that they’d all parted on such bad terms. “I know that’s true,” he said softly, “but I still respect some of my upbringing.”
    “Why? I remember my ma and pa dragging me to Sunday school to learn the Golden Rule. Then I watched all the rest of the week while folks tried to cheat my pa and my pa tried to cheat them. I don’t see much good in any of it. Why respect a man who ain’t never showed respect to anyone or anything—unless you count the bank.”
    “I miss Dianne. She always seemed like the voice of reason.”
    “I miss Dianne too. But not like you,” Robbie said, laughing. “She was growin’ into a right fetchin’ young woman. I kind of thought we might end up together.”
    Trenton laughed at this. “Dianne is too good for the likes of you.”
    Robbie snorted again. “You’re probably right about that. Especially given our habits of late. Neither one of us is fit to polish her boots.”
    That thought weighed heavier on Trenton than anything else Robbie could have said. What would Dianne say if she saw him now? No doubt she’d be horribly disappointed in him. She wouldn’t approve of his choices, even if it was to honor their father’s death.
    Most likely, she’d ask him too many questions and make him think. Questions like, “When will you know you’ve done enough to avenge Pa?” and “How can killing another man or taking what’s rightfully his make Pa’s death right?” Trenton always ended up thinking too much when he talked his problems through with Dianne.
    “Robbie, are you sure about what your pa heard? I mean, thinking the Yankees are the ones who killed Pa.”
    “He said he talked to Captain Seager and he said your pa stepped out in front of Corporal Johnson’s gun. I think that’s pretty good evidence.”
    “But we can’t be sure.”
    “I suppose not,” Robbie said with a shrug. “But does it matter? I mean, you hate what the Yankees have done to the town same as me.”
    “Yeah, but I wasn’t for the Union being destroyed. I can’t say I honestly support either side.”
    “So don’t join a side. I’m not planning on favoring anybody but myself.”
    They fell silent for

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