Lord of the Crab. He expresses his admiration at your having made the journey from your homeland so quickly. No samurai other than the Crab have the heart to perform such a feat, and no man other the Hida Kisada could lead such a daring enterprise." Kisada grunted in a way that meant get to the point! "Emperor Bayushi is pleased to see you and extends an invitation for you and all your men to stay within the Forbidden City. The imperial forces there are having some difficulties with upstart members of several other clans. Your aid in quelling this rebellion would be most appreciated and looked upon with great favor." Before Tetsuo even finished, Kisada spat on the ground at his feet. He waved his arm forward and marched by the Scorpion as if he were not there. "W-what shall I tell my master?" stammered Tetsuo, standing and leading his horse after Kisada. The Great Bear whirled around, his glare stopping the Scorpion in his tracks. "Tell your sniveling cousin that I will never side with a weakling like him. I almost did. Looking over that ridge I thought that perhaps Bayushi had some courage in him after all. It certainly took some guts to kill Hantei. Slaying an emperor is a brave undertaking no matter how stealthily one plans it. I thought perhaps your cousin had strength enough to take the throne and hold it. That kind of strength I respect. But to kill an old man, loot his home, then call for help to keep what you've taken? That is the height of weakness. It may indeed be time for a new imperial line, but your 'Emperor Bayushi' stands alone—and he will be a line of one!" The Scorpion ceased to exist for Kisada. There was only Oto-san Uchi and the weak usurper who locked himself within the walls of the Forbidden City. Tetsuo mounted his horse and rode back toward the city, shame etched on his face. He would have to fight his way through the other clans to get back and report this failure to Bayushi. Kisada hoped Tetsuo found his reward on the blade of Shoju's sword. That would be the Great Bear's punishment for failing such an important order, but Kisada would never have shown the weakness the Scorpion did. He would stand his ground and die defending what he had taken through force of might. He would never ask for help. xxxxxxxx Kisada led his troops directly toward the High Gate. Although the Crane, Lion, and Dragon armies ranged along the way, none of the other daimyo sent messengers or runners out. They simply stood back to watch what exactly it was the Great Bear had planned. The Crab army marched up to the gate and stopped in unison— nearly two thousand strong, and they all moved at one man's command. The Great Bear took the army's standard from his herald and planted it in the ground beside the banner marking the entrance to the Lion Clan camp. A cheer went up from all the clan camps. The noise reverberated off the cracked and conquered walls of Otosan Uchi. It rolled out among gouts of flame and belches of dark smoke rising from the capital. It shook the very foundation of the Forbidden City, and the confidence of its residents as well. xxxxxxxx "Saving the city from fire is futile while the Scorpion holds the Forbidden City," Kisada interrupted. He sat in a pavilion with the daimyo of the other clans. For the past ten minutes Doji Hoturi, the Crane daimyo, had been going on about the need to put out the fires the enemy set as they retreated. He was worried about saving the outer city while the venomous Scorpion still controlled its heart. "That bastard Shoju can wait," Hoturi said. "He has no place left to run." Typical! All prim and proper etiquette, these Cranes, but they had not even a basic instinct for how to win a war. Matsu Tsuko agreed with Kisada. The acting head of the Lion (Jan wanted to force the Scorpion out and do it now. No one was sure where Akodo Toturi, the true Lion Champion, was—he disappeared several weeks before the coup. Most people had given him up as the victim of