Kingdoms Away 1: Jorian Cluster Archives
the boys prattled on about the latest show, Power Dudes. They
hadn’t stopped talking since she had put in the Flight Plan.
    “Everything checks out, Mistress Varak.” He
entered the details for their flight to the forest. “If you decide
to travel above two hundred meters you’ll need to submit another
Flight Plan via the Onboard Pilot Program.”
    A shout of laughter could be heard from
outside as the boys were getting overexcited.
    “Excited about the trip?”
    “I think the latest episode of Power Dudes
has their fancy today.”
    The clerk nodded. “Another craze. Don’t
worry, in a couple of years it’ll be Star Rangers or
    Erianna smiled and left the building. They
got into the airvehicle Celer and headed off south of Darcerus.
Along the way they passed small and intimate villages, contained
farms framed like pictures surrounded by trees, the Gulf of
Darceria and natural, sweeping wilderness all glorious on this
autumn day. Only one in the vehicle enjoyed the scenery in brief
glances. The other two were engrossed in their discussions.
    When they had arrived at the forest Erianna
landed the Celer skillfully. The boys’ attentions were suddenly
diverted to the massive forest of Kriendo in front of them. For the
first time Ethas could understand Edrik’s fondness for wood. They
raced around the ancient trees, playing hide and seek, climbing
what they could. With his mother’s permission they had climbed a
tree with their lunch and sat in the broad boughs eating and
enjoying the scenery.
    “Do you like Miss Petula’s class?” Ethas
asked as he watched crumbs fall from their laps.
    “Na. Unuslingua is sooooo boring. I like Dr.
Gilda’s class on time and space. When I’m old enough I’m gonna have
my own ship.”
    “Don’t you like the crates?”
    “They’re okay. But the ships look
    “Yeh, but did you see the new Metamorphic
Shields? They’re gloro, Ed. The latest have just come out. Dad
showed ’em to me last night. I’ll show ya when we get back.”
    Ed felt a pang of jealousy. “Yeh. You still
going out with Ayala?”
    “Na, we broke up last day of school.”
    Ed tossed a crust at him. “How long did you
go out with her?”
    “Five days.”
    “That long?”
    “Yeh, but I got sick of playing girls’ games.
She didn’t like Power Dudes either.”
    “Even Juner likes Power Dudes. We’re gonna
watch the last episode together next week.” Ed regretted mentioning
it, but it was too late.
    “Can I come?” Ethas asked excitedly and then
shrunk back at a possible rejection.
    “Sure, but you gotta bring something to
    Ethas leaned forward, again in high spirits.
He rarely got to spend time with a group of friends, only with too
many sisters. Ed was happy he had made Ethas happy.
    They climbed down the tree and started some
rough-housing. Erianna frowned at them from her position on a rug
under a tall leafy tree. She was still eating her lunch. “Be
careful,” she called out.
    They moved away where she couldn’t see or
hear them.
    Ethas had Ed in a head lock and Ed kept
yelling out, “Cheater!” He was getting grumpy at not being able to
get loose.
    “Let go.”
    Ethas clung on.
    “Let GO.”
    They shuffled around the leafy earth; Ed fell
to the ground, trying to drag the determined Ethas with him.
    “You’re supposed to let go … stop.”
    Ethas released him and they both fell.
    “Bad luck, Ed, how ’bout the best out of
    They started again. Ed lost all the mock
    The next day Erianna collected him, ready for
their trip to visit the Darcerus Chamber of Historical Collections.
It began to rain yet he knew that his mother would make the trip
anyway. He leaned into the window as far as he could before his
head hit the glass and he saw Erianna’s carriage stop at the rear
entrance in the courtyard.
    Erianna’s favorite horses stood patiently
waiting the arrival of their friend. As much as Edrik enjoyed the

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