Kingdoms Away 1: Jorian Cluster Archives
    The Terasian beast smelled the small
    “What’s it doing?” a junior bridge officer
    One of her senior officers answered. “Packed
deep within his brain the smell is acting a catalyst, setting
neurons firing until he will know that to attack means a violation
against ancient instinct. It will be like attacking his own kind.
See, he’s backing away, making the only conclusion he can
    They watched as other beasts came, smelled
and then backed away. Even though covered with material the girl
would die in the freezing temperatures. The beasts did the only
thing they could do. Three Terasian beasts approached the inert
    The captain smiled. “Let’s go get the
    Just as the officer touched the control panel
a large chunk of debris crashed into them.
    A snarling, long-fanged beast slinked up to
the unconscious girl. Blood dripped from the white daggers and the
up-curled lips were baring the sharp points for a full display of
malevolency. The Terasian beast backed away making the only
conclusion it could, others came and smelt, and then also backed
    She was covered but would die in the freezing
temperatures. They did the only thing they could do. Three
approached the unmoving body. The girl began to moan and move
slightly. The Terasians looked up, hearing an explosion in the sky,
and they watched as a large object dropped flaming into the
distance and turned their attention back to the girl.
    Soon they detected another smell. Wolves.
Hundreds of them. They achieved what they had to; this was no
longer their concern. They left, turning away contemptuously and
snarling. This day was not a day for a challenge. The girl had to
live. Snow floated around them as a snow storm settled upon the
region. The eldest Terasian stopped upon an outcrop of boulders and
turned to watch. Large creatures moved in out of the snow drift and
picked up the girl. The white wolves turned, following the large
white walking creatures. The snowdrift fell heavier and it was
difficult to distinguish the two moving masses from one

Kings Are Just Men

    {[SPITHRA] [Erus] [Darcerus]
    Edrik loved to work with wood. The smell, the touch
and the ability to take raw material and create something always
made him feel good about himself and life. His mother encouraged
him but his father disapproved. It was not fitting for the future
Sovereign of Darcerus to use his time in this way. Better to learn
the twenty-five Elements of Sovereignty, which contained in each
element four to sixteen volumes of how to rule. Better to keep
physically in shape and play strategy games than to be educated in
    However, his father was often away on
campaign or off Erus altogether, which meant he could spend some
time on his woodworking skills, besides which, his father hadn’t
actually forbidden Edrik to learn some basic fundamentals of the
trade. Even though Ed hated it when his father got angry he could
not give it up. He had once made the mistake of asking why
woodworking was called a Lesser Trade. His father had gone into a
rage, smashing items across the room. Ed was always doing something
wrong like eating too slowly, tripping over something, crying,
laughing too loudly, asking stupid questions or not holding his
fork right. There were too many things to remember.
    Ed looked around his enormous room warmed by
a large fire fed with specially grown Inkelda trees. On the wooden
floors lay large, soft rugs and one of these lay in front of the
fireplace. He would often lie on his back upon this rug, his small
face aglow and hot, gazing up at the ceiling dreaming of a
different life. His furnishings were all made from the dark red
mahogany tree felled from the great forest of Kriendo. His mother
was taking him and Ethas on a trip to that very forest the next
    The two boys nattered all the way, barely
giving the countryside a glance. Erianna only partly listened

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