Doctor Of My Dreams (BWWM Romance)

Read Online Doctor Of My Dreams (BWWM Romance) by Tasha Jones - Free Book Online

Book: Doctor Of My Dreams (BWWM Romance) by Tasha Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tasha Jones
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out, because I was bland and dull comparatively.
    I stood to the side and watched Richard as he circled through the crowds, smiling and laughing in all the right places, knowing everyone by their first name and knowing things about their lives like their jobs or that their mother was ill or that a bad business deal had gone down.
    I stood wilting to the side like a wallflower for about an hour when Astrid came to me.
    “How are you enjoying yourself so far?” she asked.
    “It’s a little different than I expected,” I admitted. She smiled at me, and it was genuine, different than when we met.
    “Oh, don’t you worry about that. We’ll be doing the speeches soon, and then a toast. After that, every man really just decides for himself what he wants to do.”
    I nodded without saying anything. Next to Astrid, a wild desert flower, I felt like a drab little daisy.
    “I just love your shoes,” she said and I doubted she was telling me the truth. I’d spied Christian Louboutons under her dress.
    “What do you do?” she asked.
    “I’m a hairdresser. I’m starting...“
    “Oh, that’s quaint. I have little hobbies like that too. It’s very endearing to give back to the community, isn’t it?”
    I took a deep breath.
    “Very,” I said softly.
    I watched Richard. He was talking to a man with a keg for a belly. He was clutching a plate stacked with finger foods, and he had crumbs on his lips that moved as he talked.
    “He’s quite comfortable in public, isn’t he?” Astrid said, and I realized she’d been watching Richard too.
    “He is. He seems to be quite at home here,” I said. Unlike me, who felt like I had to crawl back to the wrong side of the tracks.
    “I have to say that’s what drew me to him in the first place. He’s just a natural in a crowd.”
    “Have you known him long?”
    “Oh, yes, darling. And I have to tell you he’s the most solid person you’ll ever know. He hasn’t changed once through our entire relationship. You see, I was the one that failed him.”
    My ears started ringing.
    “Excuse me?” I asked.
    “Oh, you know how Richie is. Always gallant and steadfast. He can make any girl feel like she’s the only girl in the world. When he asked me to marry him, well, that was it for me. I can imagine you know what that feels like.”
    My blood drained from my face and I felt like I was going to fall off my wedges.
    “Married?” I asked and my voice sounded thin, even to me. Astrid looked at me, her face riddled with concern and confusion. I didn’t know if it was for real. I didn’t know what was what anymore.
    “Oh, I thought you knew, darling. Richard and I are married. Just over three years now. I thought this was something he would have mentioned to you.”
    I shook my head slightly. I didn’t trust myself to make any bigger movements than that.
    “Lord, you look pale. Well, as much as you can with your complexion. Can I get you something? Let me ask Richard to bring you a chair.”
    She lifted her hand and started calling Richard, but I grabbed her arm. She looked at me, her eyes suddenly shooting fire.
    “Unhand me,” she said in a cold voice.
    “Don’t call him,” I said, pulling back my hand. Astrid shivered like I had been dirty and she’d been disgusted. “I’m just about to leave, anyway.”
    “Pity, we’re just about to do the speeches.”
    “I’m sure you’ll do fine without me,” I said and turned.
    “Yes, well we always have, haven’t we?” Astrid said behind me. Her words burned my skin like hot oil, and when I turned to look at her, she was already making her way through the crowd to a little podium that had been erected close to the orchestra.
    I turned, my eyes blinded with tears, and walked away. The driveway was longer and further in my wedges, but when I got to the gate it opened for me by itself, as if someone inside had wanted me to leave.
    I walked down the winding road, my shoes hurting my feet. The guards I passed ignored me. It

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