Keys to the Kingdom

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Book: Keys to the Kingdom by Derek Fee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek Fee
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The Saudi Riyal is a non-convertible currency so it’s open to attack. Given the very precarious situation of the economy, the currency could hit the cellar. Maybe a fifty to seventy percent drop could be accomplished within a month. A larger drop will inevitably take longer.’
    ‘When can you begin?’
    ‘I already have begun. Once I have the economic data to hand I can begin the process of buying and selling. Over the next few weeks I’ll continue to put the pressure on. If there are external events accompanying my efforts,’ Nielsen stared at Gallagher. ‘Then it could all go very quickly. When my friends in the financial markets realise that something is happening to the Riyal they will immediately join in the feeding frenzy like the sharks that they are. There is no more predatory beast than the currency speculator. Once they join in, the end will be very close indeed.’
    Gallagher could imagine the chaos the currency devaluation would cause in the streets of Riyadh, Jeddah and Taif. The lower and middle class who essentially formed the Riyal economy would be wiped out. Savings would disappear overnight and inflation would soar. The mosques would ring with denunciations of the government and the Ruling Family.
    ‘That fits perfectly with my timing,’ Gallagher said. ‘I assume this means that we have a deal.’
    Nielsen picked up the bank draft from the desk. ‘We certainly do.’ He extended the draft towards Gallagher. ‘I don’t need this.’
    ‘Neither do I.’ Gallagher stared into Nielsen’s eyes. ‘I paid five million dollars to have access to you for one hour and I got what I paid for. I’m a man who pays his debts, Mr Nielsen. I’m sure you understand.’
    Nielsen could feel the menace in the words.
    ‘The threat is unnecessary I assure you. Your proposition is going to make me a lot of money and that’s the only incentive I need to put the plan into action. So let’s dispense with the heavy handed approach and simply say that we’re partners in a venture. And partners should be able to trust each other without threats. The question on my mind is whether you can carry out your part of the bargain.’
    ‘Count on it,’ Gallagher said.
    ‘I’m going to do a lot more than that, Mr Ryan,’ Nielsen flicked the computer screen back in his direction. ‘I’m going to invest quite a lot of money without any guarantees. That’s not good business practice. But you look like a man who can make good on his promises. However, I don’t suppose that there’s any way I can contact you if things go wrong.’
    ‘If things go wrong for me I certainly won’t be contactable.’
    Nielsen felt a thrill of excitement. He liked dealing with individuals who were willing to risk their lives. Dealing with the Russian Mafia had been exciting but it had also been dangerous. Ryan was another matter. This was going to be the most fun Nielsen had in years.
    ‘So this will be our one and only meeting?’
    ‘That should be your fervent wish,’ Gallagher said rising. ‘This operation has been compartmentalised. I will deal with my part and you will deal with yours. There are others who have individual tasks but they know nothing of the overall strategy. That way if one part fails or becomes known to the authorities then no harm can come to the others. I am the only person who holds all the threads in my hand.’
    ‘A Danish schnapps before you go, Mr Ryan,’ Nielsen rose awkwardly from the chair. ‘To cement our relationship.’
    ‘Thanks but no thanks. I’ve got other business and what I definitely don’t need right now is to have a drunk driving problem in Switzerland.’
    The two men moved towards the door.
    ‘Keep your eye on the financial markets over the next few weeks,’ Nielsen said falling in beside Gallagher. His heart was pounding. When he had received the banker’s draft he had contemplated sending it back. What a mistake that would have been. There was something about Ryan that he

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