Kat: Breaking Pointe

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Book: Kat: Breaking Pointe by Sebastian Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sebastian Scott
She takes my arm and draws me along with her. ‘Seriously, Paris is a party town and physical fitness comes second to social stamina. We’ll get your muscles straight into a jacuzzi.’
    Jade is pretty convincing. A jacuzzi sounds more relaxing than going home to cheese on toast inBondi. I’d rather fall into a taxi than hobble to the bus station. And I am going to Paris with these girls. I’m going to need to be able to keep up with them, in more ways than one.
    I’m surprised to see Christian waiting for me. I peel away from Jade momentarily. ‘You’re still here? What happened to the Benster?’
    â€˜Prix freak out. Suddenly couldn’t handle a day without training.’ The Prix is like the Olympics for balletbots and everyone’s gone mental preparing for it. Except Christian apparently. He looks nervous, almost shy, as he asks, ‘What are you doing now?’
    Relieved to have an excuse not to be alone with him, I gesture to Jade. ‘Girls’ bonding session.’
    â€˜Right. Well, thanks for letting me hang out today.’
    â€˜Quality time,’ I say flippantly.
    Christian touches my arm and I flinch.
    â€˜We’re good now, aren’t we?’ Christian asks, concerned.
    â€˜Mm-hm,’ I lie. ‘Tight.’ I lock my fingers together. ‘Like glue.’
    I hurry off to join Jade, unable to linger under his gaze any longer.

    I oversleep. Ethan drives me in but the city traffic creeps along and I am jiggling in the seat, willing the car to go faster. Finally we arrive. I race inside. The other dancers have already warmed up, but it doesn’t seem like I’ve missed anything important. Still, April looks pretty unimpressed.
    â€˜Kat,’ she greets me. ‘I think you’re going to have to spend your first pay cheque on a watch.’
    â€˜I know. Sorry.’
    I dump my stuff in the wings. Jade rushes over. ‘Your skirt’s on backwards,’ she hisses. She helps me pull it around the right way.
    â€˜How are you so perky?’
    â€˜Practice. And caffeine.’
    â€˜Are we keeping you ladies?’ April calls.
    I rush to take my place. The music starts and the cancan begins. I pull a hair elastic off my wrist and try to dance and put my hair up at the same time, desperately playing catch up, trying to ignore that worried look on April’s face.
    After a gruelling hour, in which I suck slightly less than yesterday, April calls a break. ‘Kat, can I see you for a second?’
    I join April down in the stalls.
    â€˜Feeling pretty good for a second rehearsal,’ I say. ‘And check this out: S’il vous plaît, ne pas uriner dans la rue .’
    â€˜Please, do not urinate on the street?’
    I nod, pleased with myself.
    â€˜Essential.’ She gestures. ‘Take a seat.’ I sit. I feel a creeping dread come over me.
    â€˜I know you’re young but there are standards of professionalism we expect from all our dancers.’
    â€˜I promise I won’t be late again. Scout’s honour.’
    â€˜You also brought your boyfriends to your first rehearsal. And partied last night after my specific request.’
    I grimace. ‘I think I’ve been over-excited.’
    April pauses and then says gently, ‘Unfortunately, we can’t take you to Paris this time.’
    â€˜Why? Where am I going?’
    â€˜I’m letting you go. You were a borderline choice but I hoped you might show enough maturity.’
    The air goes out of me. I sit and listen to everything she says, but every word is metallic, striking my skull.
    â€˜Kat, you’re talented. But you’re not ready for this contract. In a few years, with some more training and experience … who knows? We should stay in touch.’
    I nod, gutted.
    I change out of my costume. I stand for a moment in my street clothes and look at myself in the mirror. Jade comes up behind me, feathers

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