Kasadya (Hellhound Awakened)

Read Online Kasadya (Hellhound Awakened) by Karen Swart - Free Book Online

Book: Kasadya (Hellhound Awakened) by Karen Swart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Swart
want to talk about it?” Lada asked, and I felt her hand on my shoulder.
    “ Pull it together Kas, ” I said to myself, lifting my head to look at the two of them. “Na, don’t worry, it was just a dream,” I soothed, with a forced on smile.
    “Well at least it’s morning, so no worries about sleep,” Nanini said, gesturing to our window where the first sunbeams peeked in.
    “Yeah, I’ll take on Chax any day before another nightmare like that,” I replied, and lifted the covers off me to start a new day of my freaking cursed life.

    Chapter 5
    With the dream still bugging me, I was sitting in Vulcan’s class trying to listen to the latest demon’s strength. But I had a really hard time concentrating. Why would a demon be in my dream? What did it mean by soon? I played his words over and over in my mind.
    After an impossibly long morning, we had lunch and were walking to the zone; or at least the girls where, I had to go straight to Chax again.
    “You are very quiet today Kas, everything okay?” Lada asked, stopping me with her hand. I looked up at her, and saw that I was starting to bug them out with my internal war.
    “Yip, just thinking that’s all, but I’ll stop now promise,” I replied, smiling at her to stop her concern.
    “Okay, but if you need to talk, we’re here. Okay?” she said, patting my arm.
    “Yeah I know, don’t worry I’m okay. I just have a problem shutting my brain down today. Trust me in a few minutes Chax will kick it back into place for me,” I reassured them and they both laughed, and that took the mood back to normal. We continued walking to the zone only to find Seth and Chax having a talk at the zone’s door. The moment they spotted us, they stopped and turned to look at us.
    “Afternoon girls,” Seth said. Chax only stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. Couldn’t even greet like a normal person.
    “Hi.” The girls greeted them, and went straight into the zone. Yeah, don’t blame them. This looked like a situation I didn’t even want to be in.
    “Hi Seth, Chax,” I murmured, smiling at Seth, and nodding at Chax.
    “I’ll leave you to your Apprendo Chax, see you later Kas,” Seth said and went in, leaving me with Chax.
    “Today we are going to train with the others in the arena. Come, you’ll have a chance to warm up before the others get there,” he said, and gestured for me to follow him. I walked behind him the whole way looking at his back.
    We made it to the arena and he stopped at the first circle and turned to look at me.“We start with some sparring,” he explained and took a stand; I sighed and moved to stand in front of him.
    “Transform,” he instructed, and then transformed himself. I closed my eyes and opened them with my fallen body ready for action. He looked at me and then took the first step, going for me with a kick. I blocked his leg with my arm, and moved forward to punch him. But he just swiped my hand away and turned to bring up his other leg. I brought up my arms, blocking his kick again, pain shooting through them with the impact.
    He moved so fast, and the next moment was at my back, grabbing my wings. The moment he had them, I froze on the spot. Instinct told me that this was my weakness, and trying to rip out of his hold would only leave me bleeding and in pain.
    “You must protect your wings at all times, the moment someone gets their hands on them you’ll end up in a really bad situation. And usually that ends with your head landing on the ground. Concentrate and you’ll find that your wings have built in sensors. You will feel someone near them; close them to your back and step aside to avoid them getting their hands on them,” he explained, while releasing them and going to stand in front of me again.
    Okay, they have sensors; let’s see if this works. We started again and after a few punches and kicks later he was at my back again. But this time I felt the moment he was moving at my side and closed

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