Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)
and plants a kiss on my lips before answering. “No need to worry.
Riflan and Malldrot are handling it for now. They know I have
important things to be doing. What did you do on Earth?”
    “ We lived mostly in the
bush. I was trained to track all types of food—plants and animals.
I can also trade for a fair price. We had a small solar computer
that we used to keep us up to date on life and for entertainment.
It would stop working sometimes and Rogan would climb the tallest
tree to get it to work. He’s still working on his patience.” I’d
love the chance to watch him become a fully rounded grownup mate.
With effort I push the pain aside.
    “ Where you’re concerned,
I’m still working on my patience. I want you all the time.” His
hand skims down my arm and comes back up to cup my
    My core instantly heats
up. “I want you all the time too.” I moan when his fingers roll my
nipple and his lips graze my neck. Nobody but Klimen can fire such
strong desire within me. I eagerly straddle his lap and wish he was
naked. I rub my clit into his cloth covered erection. Need starts
pounding through my veins.
    The beeping sound that
comes from the comm unit on his forearm band scares me half to
death. Klimen had my total focus. In the bush that can be a bad
thing. Looks like I have some work to do myself.
    Klimen reads a message and
groans as he plants me on the couch and stands. “I have a few
things that need my attention. Let’s put this on hold until this
    “ Do I get to explore your
body tonight?” I really want to check this control freak out. He is
too delicious not to. I silently beg him to say yes.
    He moans and drops his
head back for a moment. Then he looks at me with hungry eyes. “Yes,
but don’t push me too far. You may not like what you get,” he
    I hold back a victory
dance but I fist pump the air when he turns and heads into his

    ~ Kanda ~
    Watching Klimen eat has
been a form of delicious torture.
    He devours his food with
focus and appreciation. A bolt of electricity shoots around in my
lower belly when his intense focus turns to me. I know just how
persuasive and passionate he can be. That knowledge has my juices
flowing. I eat my last bite of fruit and slowly lick the stickiness
from my fingers.
    His gaze narrows and
becomes even more intense as he watches me suck and lick my
fingers. I stare straight into his eyes and silently let him know
what I’m going to do to him.
    Tonight he is mine to
explore, mine to taste, mine to devour.
    As soon as my last finger
has been licked until it’s sticky-free and both of us are heated,
he takes our plates to the sink and deposits them into it. I watch
as he turns on his heel and rakes his heated gaze over my naked
    My nipples harden under
the power of his gaze. A small smile curls one corner of his mouth.
He starts stripping and once every glorious centimeter of him is
revealed he motions me to the bedroom.
    “ Come, sesien
    At his words, I only
falter for a moment. I don’t like being just a sesien min to him. I
breathe in his arousing scent and choose to ignore my station here.
Instead I choose to get pleasure where I can. Life is too short and
uncertain to not savor the gifts that are offered.
    He climbs onto the bed and
props his back up with several of the gold and blue trimmed
pillows. I take it he intends to watch every moment of my
exploration. Having his total attention has excitement and lust
circulating through my veins.
    I step up to the edge of
the bed and move his right foot out until his legs are spread wide.
The rich dark plum color of his balls adds a nice color pop to the
golden sheets they rest upon. The lighter tone of skin looks just
as good against the silky material.
    With him spread out for me
as though he were an immense smoldering sex-servant I decide that
he is my sesien

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