Justice For Abby

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Book: Justice For Abby by Cate Beauman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Beauman
talk to her. He stood with a reluctant sigh and walked to the next room, knocking on her partially opened door.
    He peeked in, breathing in Abby’s subtle flowery scent as she sat at her desk in front of her own mound of paperwork. “Looks like you’re busy.”
    “No. Come on in.” She set her pen down and unfolded her legs out from under her. “You’re the perfect excuse for a breather. Have a seat.”
    He glanced at the bold blue comforter and layers of plush yellow pillows on her queen-sized mattress, flashing back to the nighty she’d worn only hours ago, and slid his hands in his pockets. This wasn’t where he wanted to have their conversation. “Have you had lunch?”
    She shook her head. “I’m not really hungry.”
    Abby’s appetite was the first thing to go when she was upset. Her small frame couldn’t afford to miss many meals. “I am. What do you say we split a sandwich?”
    “I should probably have something.”
    That’s exactly what he’d been counting on. If he could plop a few chips and a piece of fruit on her plate, she might eat that too. He smiled at her as they walked to the kitchen, and she immediately grabbed the loaf of whole grain bread.
    He stepped in front of the refrigerator, opening the door before she had a chance. “I’ll make lunch.” It was the least he could do before he ruined the rest of her day.
    “You don’t have to.”
    “I want to.” He snagged the loaf from her hand and reached for the package of deli-sliced cold cuts. “Let me guess, turkey breast and avocado.”
    “Mr. Quinn, you know me so well.”
    “It’s almost like we live together or something.” He glanced over his shoulder, smiling at her, and brought the various sandwich fixings to the counter.
    “I guess I’ll get the fruit and make a salad—with extra cantaloupe—because I kind of know you too.” She gave him a gentle jab to his side on her way by.
    “Who can say no to extra cantaloupe?”
    “Not you.”
    They worked side-by-side, as they often did, Jerrod pulling bread from the plastic packaging and Abby prepping fruit. “How did things go with your friends?”
    “Good. Better than I expected, actually.” She stopped slicing the bold red strawberries. “They’re pretty upset with the situation, but they’re still in for the show next weekend. All three have assured me this isn’t my fault.”
    “It’s not.”
    “I feel like it is.”
    “Nope. You aren’t responsible for some bullshit article.” He spread a healthy glob of Dijon around the slice of soft multi-grain and layered several slices of meat on top, deciding that now was as good a time as any to move the conversation along. “So I had a chance to talk with Jackson and Ethan a while ago.”
    “Oh?” She paused, glancing at him, then added grapes to the bowl.
    “We’re going to have to make a few changes—mix things up a little.”
    She stopped, her hand resting on the container of cut cantaloupe. “Like what?”
    He hated the guarded look that came into her eyes, but he couldn’t blame her for preparing herself for the latest round of changes. Every time they had this conversation, Abby lost another piece of her independence. “Well, we won’t be able to go into the Lily Brand offices for awhile.”
    She nodded, her shoulders visibly relaxing as she got back to work. “I figured as much.”
    “And after today we’ll probably keep contact with Lily limited to phone conferences.”
    Her brows furrowed. “What does that mean exactly?”
    “She can’t come to the condo for a while—her or any of your friends.”
    “We can’t risk it, Abby. We can’t risk the press following one of them and getting a picture of you. We’re going to move all of the remaining fittings to Ethan Cooke Security. We’ll give you one of the conference rooms to use.”
    She stared at him, frustration radiating in her eyes before she looked away and reached for the cling wrap in the drawer to her

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