Jodie's Song

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Book: Jodie's Song by Marianne Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Evans
Tags: Christian fiction
least the run forced her to remain as even as possible—from a physical standpoint, anyway. “I wish he didn’t have to go through the trauma of surgery. So far, the cardiologists have been reassuring about his ability to withstand the procedure, and they’re optimistic about his recovery, too. Still, it’s scary. Tracee and her kids are on their way in. Unfortunately, her husband couldn’t make it, since he’s so new to the job and all. She arrives tonight and plans on staying for a week or so until Dad is settled at home.”
    “I’ll be praying for him. For all of you.”
    Jodie puffed out even breaths and studied her new friend as they ground out their second mile along the pathway. Their sneakers hit the fine gravel trail in near perfect unison. “You’re a gem, Kaci. Thanks. The doctor assured me the stents will improve his quality of life. Maybe, when we cross this bridge, he’ll be able to turn a corner health wise.”
    Silence beat past in time to the pace they established. “That sounds promising. Plus, your dad sounds like a strong man.”
    “Always has been.” Their run was light and steady, hard enough to sweat, easy enough to chat. “Did I ever tell you that he’s the one who got me started wanting to be a DJ?” Kaci shook her head, waiting. “He knew how to evangelize in the way he lived and the perceptions he’d share. He didn’t ever preach or breathe fire and brimstone. Instead, he loved to share his heart and show God’s presence in the way he lived. I like to think it’s because of him that I’m able to somehow reach out.” They slowed the pace as they neared the buildings of the apartment complex. “But since I’ve come home, I’ve discovered there’s a level of distance involved in being on the radio. For the most part, people don’t know who I am. That’s a blessing and a curse. I can profess loud and clear, and I can be a witness, but there’s a buffer of anonymity and solitude that can become dangerous in a way, if that makes any sense.”
    “It does.”
    “Watching my father deal with his illness has thrown my world into an unexpected faith crisis…a crisis for which I’ve been completely unprepared. Still, in spite of that, all these wonderful possibilities have come to life. So, why am I afraid of moving forward? Why can’t I step into a new life and get on with it? Isn’t that ridiculous?”
    Kaci never broke form as she let loose a chuckle. “Not at all. To me it seems like what you need to do is embrace your faith again. Trust God, and what He’s showing you. You’re great, Jodie.”
    Except when it comes to matters of the heart, Jodie thought. Kaci’s right. I don’t trust.
    She kept stride and opted to display humor rather than angst. “Well, you’re easy on me.”
    “That’s how I roll.”
    They shared grins then Jodie went sober all over again. She craved answers. “What I need most is what I’ve found ever since I’ve come back home. A jump-start—a re-ignition of the fire that burned inside me when I first started my career in Christian radio.”
    “Seems to me like Kevin Mitchell has been giving you a piece of that puzzle.”
    OK—score another one for Kaci and her abilities of perception. “Yes, he has, but he’s got so much to contend with right now—and I do, too. Plus, I’m just not sure about going all in when it comes to romance. I don’t want to get hurt, and I certainly don’t want to hurt him. The timing is off.”
    “Regardless of any of that, he supports you, right?”
    “And you’d do the same for him, right?”
    Kaci didn’t elaborate. Instead, she eyed Jodie long and hard, finishing their run at the community center where they poured glasses of cold water from a pitcher in the refrigerator. By unspoken agreement, they carried the beverages outside and claimed a bistro table on the outdoor patio so they could soak in some sunshine. After all, springtime was fleeting, with moments

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