The Hubby Hold (IQ Testing Book 2)

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Book: The Hubby Hold (IQ Testing Book 2) by Ipam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ipam
tone, without me and with Duchie.
    I snort with angry.
    The me-chee says. “Musical discs for your cellie costs $3.00, or $5.00. If 50 musical discs were sold to you for a total of $230.00, how many musical discs were sold at $3.00?”
    I exhale, smiling. I whisper. “This word problem is so simple. Buffo can answer this one, too. Yeah, he could. There are numerous methods for answering the correct response. The first method, if z represents the number of $3.00 musical discs sold, then 50-z represents the number of $5.00 musical discs sold. Then, the math equation is…”
    3x + 5(50-x) = 230
    3x + 250-5x = 230
    20 = 2x
    10 = x
    “So, the mathematical solution is ten musical discs were sold at $3.00. There is a second method, too. If each musical disc costs $3.00, then $3.00 times 50 sold musical discs equals $150.00. The remaining $80 of the $230.00 would be the extra $2.00 from the $5.00 musical disc cost. Therefore, 40 musical discs were sold at $5.00. So, the last 10 musical discs, not identified were sold at the cost of $3.00. The mathematical solution is ten musical discs, again.” I exhale. “My answer is…is…red,” giggling.
    I have provided, my second wrong answer, again. I’m standing at 50 percent, negative.
    The me-chee says. “Organisms, that convert nitrogen-containing organic molecules into nitrates, are named with what term?”
    I hum then grin, tapping my foot, slowly impatiently waiting for the elapse of deadline of fifteen seconds. I scan the room, looking empty, missing over 80 percent of the me-chee chairs and the associated teens.
    I see the shielding change into blue for Marsilla, in front of my face.
    Marsilla drops then disappears from the floor.
    I gasp, smiling and nodding.
    Rincon is missing, too. So, he dropped, before her. He is petting the puppy dogs, being the first me-chee chair, into the blue room of mirrors, if Rincon is telling the truth. His Citizenship question of fear was materialized, if I can use that word, inside the yellow color tone, in the format of gigantic snapping and hungry ants.
    Therefore, he is the first me-chee chair, dropping down from the Cubby Hole, so his Citizenship questions of love appears, inside the blue color tone, baby doggie puppies.
    I giggle, nodding with happiness for Rincon. Then, I exhale, shaking my legs with anxiousness. Rincon will notice, immediately, that I’m missing. I hope he isn’t angry, or mad, but I wanna be with Buffo.
    Therefore, I plan to dash around the red color tone and do ‘the thing’ then leap from the red color tone. I will land, right back, into the Cubby Hole then answer two more questions, incorrectly. Then, I will drop into the orange color tone, planning to beat Duchie black and blue with my folded fists, seriously clasping with the orange color.
    I giggle then snort.
    The me-chee says. “A pole 18 meters tall is perpendicular to the ground. A wire 20 meters long extends from the top of the pole down to the ground. What is the angle of elevation to the nearest degree down towards the pole?”
    I exhale, calming my racing heart and active mind. I don’t have to answer the fourth question, either, since I’ll be dropping down into the red color tone, pretty soon. I’m still one color tone behind Buffo.
    I exhale, tapping my right boot, faster for the time expire, since the fifteen seconds are mentally clicking inside my mind and me-chee chair for the ending, without fanfare.
    I exhale, shaking my curls, whispering. “I know this answer, too. Buffo would know this answer, too. He just needs encouragement from me, not Duchie.” I wiggle back and forth with nervousness, waiting for the fifteen seconds to count down to zero.
    My me-chee shield turns bright red.
    I drop into the darkness, screaming for fun.

Chapter 7
    Red room of mirrors
    My me-chee chair slowly ascends up into the dull lights. The chair halts with a jolt, sitting along the dark wall corner of the large room, almost in darkness. I frown

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