Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story

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Book: Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story by Elise Manion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elise Manion
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dark vehicle. She did see that he was wearing a hoodie and dark glasses but that was it. She couldn’t determine skin color, age or anything else that would be helpful.
    Josh’s truck arrived at the same time as the ambulance. He flew out of the driver side while an angry-looking Jason flew out the passenger door and ran to her side.
    “What happened?” he demanded.
    Good grief, she couldn’t remember a time when she had this much male attention. As she told them the story again, the paramedics were leading her to the back of their emergency vehicle.
    “Please, I’m fine. I don’t need an ambulance.” She kept saying it over and over again but Jason was having none of it and practically dragged her to the ambulance.
    “You are not fine, Julie. You have a giant, bloody goose egg on your head. I don’t want you doing anything until they look at you.” He was in autocrat-bully mode. Perfect. Well, she was in I-just-got-in-an-accident-and-I’m-ticked-off mode.
    “Jason, you are so not the boss of me!” she yelled, but immediately squeezed her eyes shut and grabbed her head. That’s when he picked her up and carried her the rest of the way to the ambulance.
    She kept her hands to her head and her eyes closed but laid her head on his shoulder. She whimpered as he walked, each step jarring her. Man, her head was really starting to hurt.
    He set her down on the stretcher, staying with her as the med techs went through their protocol, asking her questions, shining an annoying light in her face to check her pupils and examining her wound. His proximity was calming and at one point she realized that he was holding her hand, comforting her. His concerned, emerald gaze never left her face. He was even bossy enough to ask the tech questions about her health. She wasn’t sure she appreciated that much concern but didn’t bother contradicting him.
    Josh jogged over to where Jason was standing next to her.
    “I moved your car out of the intersection. Doesn’t seem to be any damage other than cosmetic. But if you want, I’ll take it over to the garage where they can give it a better inspection. There’s blood on your steering wheel too.” Frowning, rubbed her ankle because that was the only part of her he could reach from the end of the gurney.
    “No, I need my vehicle. If it’s drivable, I need to get a bunch of stuff done today…”
    Jason gently squeezed her hand. “You aren’t doing anything for a while, Jujyfruit. You need to go home and lie down. If your head gets worse they want you to go to the ER and they want someone with you for the next 24 hours to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”
    “Oh, for crying out loud, it’s just a bump and I don’t have a concussion.” She couldn’t afford to waste time napping today.
    “I’m sorry Ma’am, but you do need stitches. I’d listen to your friends and take it easy today. You aren’t going to feel like doing much of anything after they sew you up,” the EMS tech said.
    “I’ve already called Charlie. He says he has a project due soon and had planned to work on it all day today, but I’m coming over to make sure you rest.”
    She gaped at Jason. This had to be some sick joke. She began to look for hidden cameras.
    “If you have her covered, then I’m taking her SUV over to Gil’s to have it inspected. Here’s her stuff.” Josh plopped down everything he could find that was personal in her SUV; purse, sun glasses and some gum.
    Where did he find the gum? She closed her eyes and shook her head. She must be losing it.
    “Really, you guys, this is ridiculous, you don’t need to babysit me…” Jarod strode up in the middle of her tirade.
    “Julie, listen to me. Someone is targeting you. As Sheriff, I’m deputizing my brothers to escort you wherever you need to go, to stay with you 24-7, until we can figure this thing out. No arguments, you hear me?”
    “You can’t deputize your brothers to watch over me. That’s an abuse of power,

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