
Read Online Jake by Rian Kelley - Free Book Online

Book: Jake by Rian Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rian Kelley
Tags: Romance, Military, New Adult & College
stronger than she was. He ran all the time—it’s what Marines did. He would have no trouble keeping up. Still, she felt a keen want to be one up on this.
                  And that’s not the only want she’d been feeling since her roadside rescue. That steamy conversation in his truck had primed her. She’d walked around the past two days imagining everything from their next kiss to the moment when he sank into her, and working herself into a hot mess. She’d decided that maybe Jake was a fling. She’d never had one. She knew from reading women’s magazines that an affair almost always came on fast and with a consuming heat and that definitely characterized her and Jake. Ivy wasn’t opposed to a little sex with a man she trusted.
                  The thought made her smile as anticipation slid through her. She finished tying her shoe and looked up at Genny.
                  “Sea Biscuit?”
                  “Your one in a million,” she explained and nodded at Ivy’s attire. “Your first date is a run?”
                  “Our first date was Sunday.”
                  Maybe not technically speaking, but they had spent a few hours together and they had definitely gotten to know each other.  She stood and smoothed her hands over her skimpy running shorts--gray with white mesh at the hips and citron piping. She matched it up with a ‘second skin’ top with built in bra the same neon green color. The outfit was appropriate for a run, but left little to the imagination. She looked good, and she hoped it would trip him up.
                  “When I go jogging,” Genny said, “I put on a pair of old sweats that are baggy in the ass and a t-shirt that screams rag bag.”
                  “You’re married,” Ivy pointed out, though she didn’t think the woman ever dressed shabby. She always looked put-together on the floor. “You have three kids.”
                  “And the waistline to prove it. Don’t think I wouldn’t squeeze myself into something like that if I wouldn’t look like a sausage link.” Genny looked her over one more time. “You’re going to kill him out there.”
                  Ivy smiled with delicious anticipation. “That’s my plan.”
                  “Don’t be too hard on him.” But Genny was smiling. “Ah, romance. I remember it well.”
                  Ivy picked up her canvas bag and her purse and followed Genny onto the floor. Jake was waiting at the nurse’s desk and he wasn’t alone. He’d captured the attention of a small knot of nurses. They were doing most of the talking and Jake was listening attentively. It gave Ivy a moment to study him unnoticed.
                  Her body flushed with heat. With awareness. Exactly as it had happened Sunday. She felt heat pool at her pulse points as she allowed her eyes to consume him. He had a strong profile, with a Roman nose and a firm chin covered now with a thick five o’clock shadow. She liked it on him. It gave him a rough edge. His shoulders were as broad as she remembered, the t-shirt he wore stretched so that it defined the muscles beneath. She followed it over his chest, to his narrow waist and the blue shorts he wore that were modest compared to Ivy’s choice. But they did give her a peek at his thighs. Strong, sculpted, a dusting of fine golden hair. Military men trained. A lot. And Ivy realized how thankful she was for PT.
                  Last night she had floated off to sleep thinking about their physical differences. His cheeks had been slightly abrasive and had rubbed against her face when he had kissed her on Sunday. It had sent a delicious tremor through her body. But in her imaginations, she had gone deeper, fantasizing about the strength of his arms, holding her a willing captive, the friction of his legs as he slid between hers. The hard

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