James’s neck clenched up. Maybe it was Corey’s new senses, but the way the hairs on the back of his neck went up also warned him that he was severely agitating the man in front of him.
James didn’t move. He made no demeaning comments, no threats, and he didn’t throw anything. He took in a deep breath, and seemed to calm himself down on his own, the way normal adults were supposed
This was not Dean standing in front of him. Corey didn’t have to
The Alpha Wolf Kidnaps a Mate 67
“You came back to us. We offered to let you leave, and you stayed. Coming back was your decision. You’re still free to go whenever you like. Just because we’re mated doesn’t mean we won’t survive without the other.”
Corey didn’t like the tone James used as he said that.
“As far as mating with you, I had about as much say in that department as you did.”
Corey couldn’t contain his shock. “What?”
James shook his head. “You’re still new to this, so it’s not like I
can blame you for not knowing better. Werewolves don’t choose their mates. We just kind of find them.”
“Find them?” Corey repeated stupidly.
“Yes, we find them. There’s no rhyme or reason to it either. Until I met you, I had no doubt in my mind that when I found my mate, she would be the most gorgeous thing on long legs the world had ever seen.”
Corey swallowed over the boulder in his throat, panic seizing him.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not straight, exactly, but I did always prefer the company of women to men.”
“You’re bisexual?” Corey asked.
James shrugged again. “I guess so. I’ve been with men before and had some pretty good times, so, I guess, yeah.”
Corey was still having a hard time taking it in. “But you wanted to mate with a woman?”
“Wasn’t really a matter of wanting, I just expected it. When a werewolf mates, it’s not just because he’s found a life partner, but also because it’s time to increase the pack, have pups, that kind of thing. You can’t really do that with two male mates. I had to ask Maggie if it was even possible. She’s never even seen it before, and she’s been around for a while.”
“So, what did she say when you showed up with me?”
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James laughed. “Christ, she just went on in the way that she does. Basically told me to shut up and go with it if I was so sure.”
Corey jammed his hands through his hair. “But you originally wanted a woman. You aren’t disappointed to be stuck with me?”
James frowned at him. “I’m not stuck with you, and I’m not disappointed.”
“But you just said it wasn’t what you wanted. How can you be happy with a choice you didn’t make?”
James stood straight, moving away from the tree and toward Corey. “That’s more human thinking coming out of you, the same thing that suppressed your wolf.”
“But it doesn’t make any sense .” Corey was on the verge of losing all patience with this. “You’re saying you had about as much choice in this as I did, but you’re fine with it? I don’t get it.”
James was close now, way up in Corey’s personally space, the heat of his body bringing down his soaring blood pressure and stress.
“Stop that,” Corey snarled. “Stop manipulating me.”
“I’m not. It’s just way we react to each other. My body does the same thing around you.”
That threw him for a loop. “It does?”
James nodded. “I don’t know how someone like you managed to get into a relationship with a dangerous hunter, but I promise I’m not like him. I won’t ever give you reason to fear me.”
It was just what Corey needed to hear, yet there was still so much more to say. “It’s not just that, I mean, Christ, you had sex with me last night.”
James lifted a brow at him. “Yes? Did you
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