expression in his eyes. She saw his buddies nudging each other at the table as if they had a bet on whether he could score with her or not.
“Um...hi, now if you'll excuse me, I was just leaving.” She tried to skirt around him, but he extended his arm across the doorway.
“Well , we were just getting to know each other. You don't want to be rude, do you?” he sneered, his lip curling back.
“Please let me by,” she said firmly, trying to keep her voice from shaking as she pushed past him.
He gripped her arm and wrenched her back into the corner, boxing her in. Her eyes wide with fear she shouted, “Let go, you're hurting me!”
“You heard what she said. Let her go.”
Sam would have slid to the floor in relief if the guy had released her arm. Instead, he tightened his grip, forcing a moan from her throat.
Ian's eyes flared red, a low growl emitting from him. His hand snaked out and wrapped around the young guy's throat , lifting him off the ground.
Her eyes bulged as she held her throbbing arm, disbelieving what she was seeing. She'd never seen this side of Ian before. She'd never so much as heard him raise his voice in anger. While this side of him scared her, it also sent a surge of heat rushing through her body.
She took a step back, dodging the guy's flailing arms.
A chair toppled in the distance. Sam spun to see one of the college guy's friends coming to his defense. Without thinking , she stepped in front of him before he could sucker punch Ian. The guy reached out to shove her out of the way.
Sam swatted his hand aside, lifting her knee until it connected with his groin. As he bent forward she rammed the palm of her hand into his nose, hearing the satisfying crunch of bone breaking. She could hear the drip of blood as it splashed on the floor. Her adrenaline kicked into over drive, her breath came in quick gasps. She turned to see Ian staring at her, his eyes wide in disbelief.
When Ian let go of his guy, the jerk slumped to the floor. Taking her hand, he led her past the table of remaining college guys who wouldn't meet his gaze. Candy stood with a paper bag in her hand, her mouth hanging open. Ian handed her a wad of bills, snatched up the bag and stormed out of the diner with Sam in tow.
Once they were back on the road, Ian looked at Sam with admiration. The fight could have had a totally different outcome. He was in such a rage over the kid putting his hands on Sam that he didn't even hear the other guy approach from behind.
“Where did you learn to fight like that?” he asked her.
Sam swiveled in her seat so she faced him, tucking her feet underneath her. “Jace taught me. He was worried about his baby sister going off to college by herself , so he taught me some self-defense moves. That was the first time I ever actually used it.”
A shudder rippled through Sam's body, draining her face of color. Guess the adrenaline had started to wear off. He turned up the heat and reached in the back for his jacket.
“Here, cover up with this.” He still couldn't believe that she brought that guy to his knees. He had to outweigh her by at least a hundred pounds.
Sam slipped his jacket over her shoulders, pulling it tight around her. "I've never been so scared in my life. When I saw the guy coming up behind you, I just reacted."
“Well, it's good to know that you have my back, I wouldn't want to confront you in a dark alley,” he winked. Thank God Jason had the sense to teach Sam how to defend herself. Ian hoped she wouldn't have to use those skills again. But it did relieve him to know she could handle herself if confronted again. Next time he wouldn't let his emotions get in the way.
"Do you think I broke his nose?"
"Looked like it, but that's probably the least of his concerns. I'm sure right now his buddies are giving him hell for getting his ass kicked by a girl." God knows he would be doing the same. Yet, a small part of him had sympathy for the guy. Granted, he
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