Jack Hammer

Read Online Jack Hammer by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea - Free Book Online

Book: Jack Hammer by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea
Tags: Romance, new adult
turn around and look at me, but she never did. I couldn’t blame her. After all, she was so much better than me.
    I must’ve been out of my fucking mind to think I could fit into Chelsey’s world. It was more than the fact that she was too good for me. She deserved better than me. She worked hard and wanted more for her life than I could ever give her.
    She had plans, a goal, a future, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be the one to take any of that away from her. I’d do what I should’ve done from the beginning. I’d stop ignoring who I was and who she was, and I’d leave her the fuck alone.

    I tried. I counted sheep, and said the alphabet backward in my head over and over again, but it was no use.
    I told myself it was a combination of the adrenaline, fear, and excitement from the events of my night out with Blaine. Although, I was partly in denial over the excitement I felt from our night together. Honestly, I couldn’t sleep because I kept running Blaine’s harsh words through my mind. His words hurt, and that made me angry. 
    I wanted to slap him again. I wanted to feel his cheek sting my palm, and hear his shocked gasp. Had I not been handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser, I would’ve slapped him.
    How dare he accuse me of slumming it!
    I didn’t slum. Hell, I didn’t even know what it meant to slum. I wasn’t slumming it, nor was I using him to piss anyone off. My parents were strict. Very strict. But that was because they wanted the best for me. Even if we didn’t always agree on what was best for me, in the end, we had the same goal.
    Turning on my side, I jerked at my blankets in annoyance, untucking them from the bottom of the bed. Our maid, Shirley, always tucked them so damn tight, and in my mind pulling them loose was my way of defying our rich lifestyle.
    I flopped over onto my back and slung my arm over my head. My eyes settled on the ceiling fan above my bed, and I couldn’t help but feel like the constant turn of the fan was somehow signifying how crazy my life was turning out to be.  
    I’d never been so embarrassed of my mother and the things she said. Her uppity ways and her snobbish treatment of those she considered beneath us sickened me. I strived to never be like my parents when it came to the way they treated people. As far as I was concerned, everyone was on the same playing field. It was how you decided to play your game that really mattered.
    Still, her argument continued to rush through my mind—the terrible things she said making me flinch. I wasn’t sure if Blaine heard her obnoxious words, but my gut told me he had. It infuriated me that her ignorance probably only made him believe his asinine comments even more.
    I made an irritated sound and pounded the bed with my fist. I’d never been someone prone to aggression, but I wanted to hit something and my overly soft, expensive mattress wasn’t doing the trick.
    I knew there was only one way I was going to feel better about the situation. I’d find Blaine at school, I’d apologize for my mother, and then I’d set him straight. Once I was done with that, I’d stay as far away from Blaine Wesley as I could.
    He was bad for me. Not because of our night together or because of the vicious things my mother said, but because he was the kind of boy who could flip my world upside down. Something told me if I didn’t keep my distance, Blaine Wesley would do just that. I couldn’t decide if having my world flipped upside down sounded terrible, or like the most exciting thing that could ever happen to me.  That in itself scared me.
    I DIDN’T SEE BLAINE ALL DAY. It wasn’t until I was leaving my final class that I saw him tossing his books into a locker down the hall a bit from me.
    Steeling my shoulders, I pushed through the crowded hallway with purpose. I was going to say exactly what I was thinking. I was going to set him straight and move on.

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