
Read Online Z-Virus by M.D Khamil - Free Book Online

Book: Z-Virus by M.D Khamil Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.D Khamil
when we were gone. He was already barking repetitively as if to bid us goodbye and wished to have a safe trip. Each of us prepared well for this mission. We discussed things what to do and not, always work as a team and don't be foolish to do things alone, unless it is safe. Claire had already entered the Truck, she asked me that she would drive again this time. Roger was standing next to my truck staring at the sky as if praying for his safety and peace during our mission. I reached for him and greeted him at that instant moment touching his right shoulder, he startled and looked at me. 
    "Are you okay my friend?" I asked.
    "I am not weak Travis. I promised I will not fail you. I just need some motivation right now." Answered Roger.
    "You may need not to worry about that. All you have to do is to believe in yourself and have self confidence. Just remember that, you are doing this for your brother, not for revenge, but to stand for justice for the death of your brother."
    "Yes, thank you again Travis. You’ve been kind to me and supporting me all this time. How I wish you are my big brother."
    "Hey, we are brothers now and no one can changed that." Upon hearing this, Roger hugged me and pleased that he was not alone in this mad world. Claire honk the car and shouted at us. "Okay! Enough being sentimental, we’ve got job to do! Get both of your ass moving quickly into the truck!" We quickly let go each other’s embrace and went inside the truck.

Chapter 15 

    The Dead Bridge

    So this is the day. The day we would uncover the secret of the pendant and the map we have found inside it. The time showed 10:32 hours in the morning. We were now on our way to our next and probably our last destination. I have many things playing in my head now. I worried about Roger and I worried about Claire. I know that Claire could take care of herself without me but I didn’t know what would happen in the future. I’ve been thinking to myself what would happen if I lost both of them? I would be all lonely again. The journey to The Dead Bridge took longer than what I’ve had expected. I took out the map again from the inside of my kevlar jacket. Same route, same place to go and no changes. I wished that I could find another way, not wanting to cross The Dead Bridge. I  must admit, I am afraid of Heights but I kept myself silence and put back the map inside my jacket. Claire noticed this strange behavior of mine and started to ask me about it. "What’s wrong Travis? Your mood seemed different today. Is there anything you wanna tell me about?"
    "No Claire. It’s just that our expedition took longer that I thought it was not. It’s almost been two hours now since we left home." I lied even though there was truth in it.
    "Well we can’t always trust the distance on the map now does we? It was probably just an estimation, not an accurate one."
    "I guess you’re right Claire." I replied. I looked through the rear view mirror and saw Roger was fast asleep. No wonder he was quite. Probably thinking too much about this mission made his brain tired. I wonder if he even slept last night.
    Along the journey I witnessed many horrible things. Dead bodies on the road, car crashed with corpses inside, mutilated hands, arms, limbs, legs and even severed heads on the ground with faces looked so horribly terrifying. The feeling when looking at those savaged faces and body parts were madly nauseating. Even animals, insects and fishes in the river were now couldn’t be trusted. Except for my dog Prince of course. Not even cats can be trusted to be your friend anymore. These animals were infected with the virus by feeding from the dead. Rats, snakes, eagles, crows and cows are all infected. Viruses are transmitted from little insects such as flies and mosquitoes, increases the rate of the spread. The only animals that I trust right now were sparrows, pigeons and butterflies, for they didn’t feed on the dead.
    We’re almost there, to The Dead Bridge and

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