I've Been Waiting for You

Read Online I've Been Waiting for You by Mary Moriarty - Free Book Online

Book: I've Been Waiting for You by Mary Moriarty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Moriarty
    * * * * * * * *
    Olivia picked up her coffee that Thor had poured for her. She took a sip and heard laughter. “God, before you two came we were never late for classes, this will be the”
    “Fourth time she is late and ,” Thor came up and hugged Olivia, “maybe sleeping together has its perks.”
    Olivia looked up into Thor’s eyes. Touching his nose with her fingertip , she watched as he took her hand in his and kissed it, one finger at a time. “Maybe it would be a good way to pass the time.”
    “Really?” he asked.
    Olivia loved his voice. It was like a gentle rumble.
    “Yes , but can you hold that thought till I get home this afternoon?”
    Thor let his lips catch hers, felt her respond. He caught her up and was thin king of picking her up and bringing her back to her bedroom when he felt his phone go off. It was his Uncle calling and with the sequence of buzzes it was important. “Hold that thought,” he kissed her nose. He put her down but kept one arm wrapped around her.
    “Yes ?” he said into his phone. He felt Olivia grabbing for her books, let his arm slip.
    Olivia gathered her books and blew him a kiss. He held up his finger for her to wait but she just gave him a breezy wave. Olivia was two blocks away, almost to the coffee house that she and Sally went to when she felt her phone buzz with a text message. Opening it up she saw it was from Thor.
    You mean the world to me…xoxoxo
    She text him back Mmmmmm ditto...really...
    She was about to cross the street when a car pulled up and a woman put her head out the window.
    Olivia saw she was a Muslim woman, having a head covering on. “My husband and I are lost.”
    Olivia knew it was maddening to be lost. She walked up to the car. “Where are you going to?” Next thing Olivia knew she had something pointing in her back, looking behind her she saw a man had come up from out of nowhere. It was a gun he had sticking into her back.
    “Get in . Now,” the man said. Olivia tried to weigh the chance that she could outrun the people in the car or the man with the gun. Knowing where she was at on her street, she knew the coffee shop was half a block away. Could she bring herself to bring danger and harm to all those innocent bystanders, knowing it was packed this time in the morning? Besides, they would probably run her over before she could even get to that place if they didn’t shoot her first.
    “I see you thin king, get in or I will be forced to shoot you.”
    She looked into the woman’s eyes and saw fear. It was then she saw the gun pointing at her , too. She heard and saw the back door open and she was roughly grabbed so she couldn’t get away.
    “Get in now .”
    As Olivia was pulled in she thought she caught si ght of Sally coming down the street. She screamed as she was pushed in.
    Olivia heard a stream of Arabic and as she was pushed face first into the floor, a cloth with some kind of stin king stuff was pushed in her face. She tried to fight the feeling of heaviness and the quickly approaching blackness.
    Sally had been wa lking just a few steps when she thought she had heard a scream. It sounded so much like Olivia’s, but she was nowhere to be seen. It must be my over reactive imagination. All of Mom’s paranoia rubbing off. As she walked she dug out her phone from inside her purse. She was getting ready to hit Olivia’s number when a car came up to the side of the sidewalk. She saw a woman with a scarf on her head lean out of the car window. “Can you help us? We are lost.”
    She started to walk up to the car when she heard her mother’s voice. “Don’t talk to strangers ” Then her phone buzzed. As she was about to push the button, she saw a gun pointing at her.
    “Get in , or I kill your friend,” the man holding the gun was pointing to something on the floor.
    “Not likely ,” she said. She quickly saw that they did indeed had Olivia. “Olivia!” She ran for the car and was pulled in.
    She had the

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