It Had to Be Love (An It Had to Be Novel)

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Book: It Had to Be Love (An It Had to Be Novel) by Tamra Baumann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamra Baumann
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She’s the new dentist in town. Can you tell us where her office is?”
    Tara’s mother? That’s why she looked familiar. He lifted a hand in the direction of Tara’s office. “It’s right there.”
    Her mother’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t happen to be the sheriff, would you? The one Tara is dating?”
    She’d told her parents they were dating and yet seemed annoyed when the whole town thought so? The Tara mystery just got a whole lot more interesting. Maybe he’d play along and see what was what.
    He plastered on a big smile and stuck out his hand. “Yes, ma’am. Ryan Anderson. Nice to meet you.”

    Tara locked up for the day, worried that for the first time Zeke might not be able to fix the part that had gone bad in chair number two. She was closed on Fridays, so Zeke had the weekend to work on it. But she had a packed schedule Monday morning and needed both chairs. He’d assured her he’d fixed that same part many times before and he’d have it back after the weekend and installed on Monday before ten o’clock.
    It’d been the busiest day she’d had since moving to Anderson Butte, and she loved it.
    She turned to head for home and spotted a familiar limo. And Ryan talking to her parents.
    Crap! She’d been so busy, she’d forgotten to call her mother. Had they called and found out her number had been disconnected, then panicked?
    She crossed the street just as Ryan smiled and stuck his hand out for a shake.
    Her awesome day had just become her worst nightmare.
    When she slipped beside Ryan, he said, “Hey, babe. Look who’s here.”
    Babe? What was that about?
    “Hello, Mother. This is a surprise.” She leaned down and peered inside. “Both of you? This is a really big . . . surprise.”
    Her mom beamed a bright smile. “Yes, and your father and I happened to run into your new beau here.”
    Crap. Crap. Crap!
    When she glanced at Ryan, he stared into her eyes, waiting for her to make the next move.
    Dammit. Would her parents remember to call her Tara?
    Was her cover about to be blown?

T amping back her panic, Tara said to her mother, “Ryan’s not really, I mean there’s a little more to the story . . .” Her mind scrambled for what to say with Ryan standing right there grinning at her. “So what are you guys doing here?” she asked as she tucked a strand of fallen hair behind her ear.
    “Just thought we’d—” Her mother’s eyes widened. “What happened to your hand, sweetheart?”
    Could things get any more embarrassing? “I hit . . .” She threw her thumb Ryan’s direction. “Him. But—”
    Before she could explain, her father hopped out of the car and marched toward them. He took her hand and examined the damage.
    Her father’s eyes narrowed before he said to Ryan, “What made her hit you?”
    She laid her hand on her father’s arm. “It’s not what you think.” She forced a smile. “Ryan surprised me and I overreacted. You can understand how that could happen, right?” She held her father’s gaze until understanding seemed to replace his anger.
    Her dad said to Ryan, “Young women have to be extra careful these days. Guess your face paid the price.”
    Ryan nodded. “It’s my fault. I startled her.”
    When her mother slid out of the car and joined them, her dad stuck his hand out toward Ryan. “We should start over. Nice to meet you, Ryan. This is Tara’s mother, Eva, and I’m Joe Mc—”
    Tara elbowed her father in the ribs to cut him off before he said their last name. She didn’t want to give Ryan any more ammunition to snoop.
    Quickly recovering, her dad said, “Great little town you’ve got here. I can see why Tara chose it.”
    Her father winked at her, obviously proud he’d remembered to call her Tara.
    Probably wouldn’t last long. She needed to get her parents tucked away somewhere out of the nosy little town’s clutches. “So, if you’ll excuse us, Ryan, I’ll take my parents over to the hotel and get them settled.”

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