It Had to Be Love (An It Had to Be Novel)

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Book: It Had to Be Love (An It Had to Be Novel) by Tamra Baumann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamra Baumann
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local girls, so he wouldn’t want anything more from her.
    “Okay.” Steeling herself, Tara closed her eyes.
    I can do this.
    His big, rough hand slowly skimmed her cheek before he ran his fingers into her hair, pulling her closer. As his scent, wood-spicy and all male, filled her senses, her hands automatically went to his hard chest in defense. When familiar panic started to rise from what Spencer had done to her, she forced it back, refusing to give in to the urge to shove him away.
    He laid a soft kiss on her forehead. “How about a rain check for when you’re ready?”
    She blinked open her eyes. “No . . . I . . . want . . . you . . .” She didn’t know what the hell she wanted from him.
    He whispered, “Then why are you about to rip the pockets off my shirt, Tara?”
    “Oh. Sorry.” She loosened her grip, but left her hands on his chest. The fast thump of his heart and the fierce desire in his eyes belied his kind action. “I guess I need to add remembering how to kiss properly to my to-do list too.” God, how pathetic could she be?

    As badly as he’d wanted a real kiss, he wanted her trust even more. Ryan searched her gaze, looking for answers that weren’t there. He’d like to beat the crap out of whoever had hurt her so badly she feared a simple kiss. “What hap—”
    “What have we here?” His brother’s voice ended their staring match as Ben joined them. “So, the rumors are true about you two, huh? Moving in on my territory, Ry?”
    Could his brother’s timing be any worse?
    Tara whirled on Ben. “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m no one’s territory!”
    So, Tara had a temper. Interesting.
    Ben lifted both hands in surrender. “I was just doing my big-brotherly duty and giving Ryan a hard time. I didn’t mean to offend you. Of course you’re not any man’s territory. I apologize.”
    It took all Ryan had not to roll his eyes. What a schmoozer. Ben belonged in politics.
    Tara frowned as she looked back and forth between them, as if debating whether his brother was telling the truth.
    After he sent her a slight nod, she said to Ben, “Fine. Apology accepted.”
    She turned her full attention on Ryan next. He braced for the fury he probably deserved for kissing her in Town Square, even if it was only on the forehead.
    Instead, her face softened and her voice turned sexy quiet. “We’ll be there at seven. And I’ll bring the wine my parents like. Thanks again.” She sent him a weak smile. “For everything.”
    As Tara approached the limo, an older, uniformed chauffeur hopped out and opened the door. She slid into the car beside her mother and they drove off toward her house.
    After they were gone, Ben asked, “What the hell was that?”
    “That was you being an asshat.” He started across the grass, toward the store.
    “Me?” Ben caught up. “I don’t go around kissing the women you’ve asked out—oh, wait. That’d be impossible because you never ask anyone around here out.”
    “Whatever.” That was why he never talked about his dating life with anyone. Especially his brother and sisters. Too damned messy.
    Ben laughed as they both hopped up on the wooden sidewalk in front of the general store. Ryan reached out and yanked open the glass door as Ben asked, “What’s going on with you, Ry? Grandma’s right. Lately you’ve had the biggest stick up your—”
    Ryan let the door slap closed in his brother’s face, then grabbed a cart and started throwing ingredients into the basket.
    Ben caught up again with his own basket, but was thankfully silent as they made their way up and down the aisles, filling their shopping carts.
    After they checked out, they walked side by side toward their respective homes, still not speaking.
    Ben not jabbering on about something was out of character.
    Ryan couldn’t stand the silence any longer, and that was out of character for him. “I know you asked her out first. Didn’t mean to cross the line. It just . . .

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