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Book: Irretrievable by Theodor Fontane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theodor Fontane
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such a bad habit must be difficult to bear. What is more, this petty incident completely restored his good humour. “All right then, as far as I am concerned. Talk it over with Schwarzkoppen and your brother and of course with our dear Julie. And then do what you think best. It is absolutely pointless to turn all this into a feud and I am most annoyed with myself for having said so much on the subject. After all,” and he took her hand and kissed it, “after all, it is only a piece of play-acting on your part, a sweet, charming piece of play-acting. Why it is I cannot conceive, but you seem to want to continue making me believe that what takes place in Holkenäs depends on me. Now, Christine, not only are you a much stronger character than I, you are also much cleverer. However, I am clever enough to know who is master here and who gives the orders. So if one morning you say to me: ‘Last night I made up two parcels and sent one to Gnadenfrei and the other to Schnepfental and in one of the parcels I put Asta and in the other I put Axel,’ then you know as well as I do that I might be taken aback for a second but that I certainly would not attempt to contradict you or even go so far as to blame you.”
    The countess smiled, half placated yet half sad.
    â€œThere now,” said Holk, “I see that you agree with me and if you hesitate one second longer I shall call on our friend Julie to decide. Isn’t it right, my dear Julie, that it is foolish and even unkind to talk of a husband’s contradictions or indecisiveness when his indecision is never an obstacle because the decisiveness of his better half immediately makes his own indecision a matter of no moment whatsoever. And there is the Dronning Maria coming round the point. Another five minutes and she’ll be in. I suggest that we go down to the landing-stage and collect the Copenhagen mail.”
    â€œNo, I will,” cried Asta who had heard the news of the arrival of the Dronning Maria from the next room and immediately closed the piano at which she was practising. “No, I will, I’m quicker.”
    Without giving time to answer yes or no, she flew down the terrace towards the pier, reaching the end just as the boat arrived. The captain, who knew her very well, saluted her and personally handed her a bundle of papers from the bridge. A moment later the ship set off again for Glücksburg while Asta hurried back to the terrace. When still only half-way there, she held up a long envelope which the count and countess had no difficulty in recognizing as an official communication by its large size and seal. A second later, Asta placed the papers on the table and handed the letter to her father. He hastily scanned the address and read: “The Honourable Count Helmut Holk of Holkenäs, Acting Provost of the Noble Company of St. John in Schleswig, Gentleman-in-Waiting to Her Royal Highness Princess Maria Eleanor.”
    â€œThere’s only one man who is so punctilious and thorough,” said the countess. “The letter must be from Pentz. I always have to laugh when I think of him, half Polonius and half Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Asta, you ought to go back to your practising. I think the Dronning Maria arrived rather too conveniently.”
    Asta went back to her piano.
    Meanwhile Holk had opened the letter and began reading it aloud, knowing that he would not be betraying any state secrets.
    Copenhagen, The Princesses’ Palace
September 28th, 1859
    My dear Holk,
    First of all, our baronial greetings! And hot on the heels of my greetings, my most humble request for indulgence, since I am about to disturb the family life of Holkenäs castle. Our friend Thureson Bille who was to have started his term of duty with the Princess, alternating with Erichsen, was laid low three weeks ago by the measles, a childish complaint that, in the words of H.R.H., whom I quote, has addressed itself to the right victim. Now

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