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Book: Irretrievable by Theodor Fontane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theodor Fontane
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it is true that we still have Baron Steen but he happens to be in Sicily where he has been waiting for Etna to erupt for the last five weeks. Since Steen has found himself unable to continue his eruptive life in person, he has turned to the eruptions of fire-belching mountains. I wonder what his own past seems like in comparison! I have only known him for thirty years myself. In spite of all his efforts to be a Don Juan, he was fundamentally a Sir Andrew Aguecheek, which, judged by his own standards—and pretensions—makes him about as ridiculous as can be. But let us leave all these eruptions and revenons à nos moutons : Steen and Bille are not available and so you must step into the breach. The Princess herself wishes me to express all her regrets to you and to the charming countess and commands me to add that she will spare no effort to make your sojourn as easy and pleasant as possible and I have no doubt that she will succeed. The King intends to spend the late autumn in Glücksburg—with the Danner woman, of course—so that you will find our serenissima in the best of humours since, as you know, she is not over-fond of breathing the same air as that lady. The position of Hall, who is, as always, the Princess’s favourite in politicis , has been badly shaken but even that has helped to improve her good humour since everything suggests that the ‘Peasants’ Ministry’ which is impending has an expectation of life of not more than a month and if Hall returns to power—and he will be begged to do so—he will be more firmly in the saddle than ever. Moreover, my dear Holk—and I am more than delighted to be able to tell you this—it is not at all necessary for you in any way to rush and jump on the first steamer; the Princess asks that you be so instructed, an especial mark of favour, since punctuality is rather essential in your office and something on which the Princess is normally most insistent—indeed, in some circumstances, she can be quite touchy about it. Here I must stop and not make any premature revelations from my store of secrets which I am saving for your arrival. Moreover, the Princess is vexed if anyone reveals beforehand any gossip that she would have liked to tell herself. Just one really dainty morsel: Adda Nielsen is leaving the stage to become Countess Brede, after hesitating for a fortnight as to whether she would not rather continue in her freer and financially more advantageous position with the wholesaler Hoptrup. But legitimacy has its charms, too, and after all, this will make her a legitimate countess while Hoptrup, even if he were to become a widower, of which there seems at the moment no likelihood whatsoever, will never be anything more than a State Councillor, in spite of all his millions. And that is not enough for the pretensions of our leading tragic actress. De Meze has become aide-de-camp. Thomsen and Worsaae are quarrelling again, naturally enough over a hollowed-out petrified tree-trunk which Worsaae wants to date only from Ragnor Lodbrook while Thomsen, not satisfied with this, wants to go back as far as Noah. I personally am all for Noah; it holds pleasanter associations for me: the ark, doves, rainbows but, above all, the grape-vine. Let me have a note or better still a telegram to let me know when we may expect you.
    Tout à vous , Your
Ebenezer Pentz
    Holk read this letter with great amusement; but the countess was not amused.
    â€œWell now, Christine, what do you think? Pentz all over, wasn’t it? Full of good humour, malice, and, fortunately, poking fun at himself as well. Court life does produce some extraordinary characters.”
    â€œIt does indeed. And particularly over there in our dear Copenhagen. Even at court, its fundamental nature cannot be hidden.”
    â€œAnd what is its fundamental nature?”
    â€œDance-halls, music, and fireworks. It’s a town made for ships’ captains who have been

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