Inherited: Instant Family

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Book: Inherited: Instant Family by Judy Christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Christenberry
Tags: Romance
couldn’t have left the kids there in the house.
    She’d done what she had to do. All along, she knew it wouldn’t be easy. She didn’t need him telling her that. Or pointing out how alone she was. But the three of them would make it.
    Without someone like Brad in her life.
    She’d almost believed he cared for her. But she knew better now. He’d only taken her to Denver because Mike had asked it of him.
    Once more, she was alone and responsible. And it would always be that way.
    The family was waiting for their arrival. Abby had allowed the three children to stay up until Brad and Sarah returned home.
    “Are you excited, Anna?” Abby asked, smiling at the young girl.
    “Yes, I’ve missed Sarah.” Anna’s voice was still soft, as always, but there was an underlying sense of excitement.
    “I bet she missed you and Davy, too.” Abby took the little girl’s hand in hers.
    Nick looked out the window over the sink. “I think they’re here. Abby, stay seated. You don’t need to be rushing out to greet them.”
    “Yes, Nick, I know.” Abby turned Anna’s hand loose. “But you can go meet her, honey. It’s all right.”
    Both Robbie and Davy joined Anna in running to meet Sarah and Brad. Nick stood at the door, watching. “Sarah just hugged Anna and Davy, and Robbie, too,” he said with a grin.
    “That’s so nice of her.”
    “Now she’s ushering the kids into the house.”
    “Good. I’m anxious to hear all the details,” Abby said. “I can do that sitting down, Nick,” she said before he could protest.
    “I know, sweetheart, but you go to bed as soon as they tell us about the trip.”
    The group burst into the kitchen and Sarah came at once to Abby to hug her and thank her for taking care of the kids.
    “They were very good, Sarah. No problem at all.”
    “I’m glad. And I’m thrilled I got custody of them. We’re legal now.” She turned to the kids. “You’re going to be my children now. Okay?”
    “Okay,” Anna said with a big grin.
    “What happened to Daddy?” Davy asked.
    “He was taken to jail, Davy.” Sarah looked Davy square in the eye. “What he did was very bad. He has to pay the price of his actions, and he probably won’t get out of jail for a very, very long time.”
    Anna moved closer to Sarah, hearing her sister’s words. Davy looked at her and then said, “Okay.”
    “Can we call you Mommy?” Anna softly asked.
    “Of course, sweetheart. I’m your mommy according to the law. So it’s official.”
    “But your name is Sarah,” Davy said.
    Sarah smiled. “You can call me Sarah or Mommy, whichever you prefer.”
    Davy nodded in agreement.
    “Okay, it’s time for you guys to be in bed,” Nick announced.
    Sarah said, “I’ll help them to bed and then come back. Are Mike and Kate coming over?”
    “Yes, Nick’s going to call them now.” After Sarah and the kids had left the room, Abby turned to Brad. “Kate made a cake for your homecoming. Can you get down plates and forks for the six of us?”
    “How did you and Sarah manage?” Abby asked as he set the table.
    “Fine.” He didn’t add any details.
    Nick hung up the phone. “Mom and Mike will be right over. I’d better go help Sarah settle the boys.”
    Kate and her husband arrived before the pot of coffee Brad put on had finished. When they asked how the trip was, all he said was “Fine.”
    Sarah exclaimed when she saw Kate’s cake as she and Nick came back into the kitchen.
    “Kate, that was so nice of you,” she said.
    “It’s the least I could do. You must have done a great job in Denver.”
    “Thank you. I’m so appreciative of all your support. You’ve taken us in and given me a job and a place to live, taken care of the kids during this week. I couldn’t ask for more.”
    She hugged Kate and Mike. Then she sat down beside Abby as Brad and Nick poured the coffee and tea.
    “Oh, this cake is delicious,” Sarah said.
    “Brad, how do you like it?” Kate

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