Inherited: Instant Family

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Book: Inherited: Instant Family by Judy Christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Christenberry
Tags: Romance
    Everyone exchanged looks.
    Then Kate said, “So what did you two do to entertain yourselves when you weren’t in court?”
    Brad said nothing.
    “Brad took me to a movie. And we took a tour of the mint, saw lots of money, and we went up to Buffalo Bill’s grave on a bluff above Denver.”
    “We went up there when we took the kids on vacation once.” Kate smiled at the memory.
    “It was lovely.”
    Brad looked away from Sarah.
    “Well, the cake was delicious, and I appreciate all you’ve given me. But now I think I should head up to bed. Good night, and thank you again.”
    She left the table and went to the bedroom she shared with Anna.
    As soon as she left, Nick turned to his brother and blurted, “What the hell happened?”
    Brad said nothing.
    “Did you and Sarah have a fight?”
    “Not exactly.”
    “What exactly does that mean?” Nick asked.
    “I did what you said. I supported her and stayed with her for all of it. But coming home, I thought she should realize what she’d done. So I questioned her about taking the kids, and how difficult it would be.”
    “You think she didn’t know that, Brad?”Abby asked. “And what made you think she had a choice? Sarah loves those kids. Of course she knew what she was doing!”
    “Yeah. So she told me.”
    “I don’t blame her for being upset. Of course she had to take the kids,” Kate agreed.
    Brad threw up his hands. “Okay! Okay! I’ve got it. But it’s not going to be easy to get a job that will pay enough for them when she leaves here.”
    “There are a lot of places she can be the housekeeper. And room and board for the kids isn’t that bad.” Nick looked at his brother. “Is this going to cause trouble between the two of you?”
    “Not on my part.”
    “Good, because we don’t want Sarah harassed. I don’t know what I’d do without her right now,” Abby added.
    “I understand. Did you miss me during the day, Nick?”
    “Of course. I’m glad you’re back before we got any bad weather.”
    “I’ve been wondering about that,” Bradsaid. “I mean, what if a snowstorm comes and the babies come at the same time? How are you going to get Abby to Pinedale?”
    “I don’t know yet. When she gets close to the time, I may take her to a motel in Pinedale and stay with her as much as I can.”
    Brad nodded to his brother. “Right. I can take care of things here.”
    “Thanks, brother. It’s good to have you back.”
    Sarah was up early the next morning, preparing a special breakfast. She was putting on the finishing touches when Brad walked in.
    “Morning,” he mumbled as he went past her.
    “Morning,” she replied. She saw him pour himself a cup of coffee and couldn’t help thinking of how he’d greeted her back in Denver. And how she looked forward to seeing him.
    “Want me to wake the kids?” he asked.
    “That would be nice if you have the time,”she said, with her back turned. Even to herself she sounded formal and stilted.
    He left the room.
    Sarah opened the oven and took out perfectly baked cinnamon rolls. She put them on the table and then started scrambling eggs.
    “Wowee! What is that delicious smell?” Nick exclaimed as he entered the kitchen. “Cinnamon rolls!” He smiled at Sarah. “It sure is nice to have you back.”
    Sarah returned his grin. “Thanks.”
    He came close to pick at one of the buns but Sarah shot him an exaggerated leer. He pulled his hand back.
    “So, you’ll watch out for Abby today?” he asked.
    “Yes, of course.”
    “I left you my cell phone number if Abby has a problem. We need to head for Pinedale if there’s any hint of a delivery. It’s only about six weeks before she’s due.”
    “All the way to Pinedale? I thought you had a doctor here in Sydney Creek.”
    “Not yet. We’ve been growing, but we’re not big enough to draw our own doctor.”
    “Don’t you worry, Nick. I’ll keep a close eye on her.”
    Then, running in front of Brad, Anna and the boys

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