In the Garden of Seduction

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Book: In the Garden of Seduction by Cynthia Wicklund Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Wicklund
Tags: Romance, Historical, Regency Romance, Victorian, sensual, 1800's
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felt extremely uncomfortable on both
occasions, and she’d had enough.
    “Grandfather, I can see this is becoming an
area of contention for us both. I regret that, but I’m not going to
let you plan the rest of my life. I already have a parent who
serves that purpose well, thank you very much.”
    A deadly quiet followed, and Cassandra
flinched inwardly at the queer look, utterly devoid of emotion,
that entered Lord Whittingham’s eyes. Roger, a witness to the
exchange, shifted at the edge of her sight, and she sensed her
cousin’s unease as well.
    “It would seem, my dear, your red hair is
indeed an indication of your temperament.” The earl’s vision
cleared as he spoke, and to her amazement he smiled.
    She knew what he was doing. He was placating
her. Why, that was as bad as nearly scaring her to death, but he
had made a concession, and good manners meant she could do no less.
Cassandra was surprised by the effort it took to respond in
    “My father has mentioned that on more than
one occasion,” she put forth in a bland voice. “It’s been a long
day and I suspect I’m tired. Please forgive my rudeness.”
    There, she had done what she must, although
by referring to Quintin James again she had subtly held her ground.
She was afraid sometimes, but she was determined not to give in to
her fear. So, having risked renewing the fight, the relief she felt
when she realized the earl had decided to let the matter drop was
humbling. Perhaps she wasn’t quite as brave as she had
    Lord Whittingham merely smiled again, but
his eyes remained cool and distant. He took her arm. “Come, my
dear, we’ve neglected our guests long enough.”
    “You know, Harry, I think I’m of a mind to
extend my stay. Would you find it an inconvenience if I decide to
prolong my visit?”
    Harry rolled his eyes, a suspicious grin
lurking on his thick lips. “Of course not, old man, but I’m
surprised. I believed the peace and quiet of the countryside to be
wearing on your nerves.”
    “Now why do you say that?” the marquess
asked. “I’m having a fine time.”
    The hour was late with dawn approaching, and
Simon tossed off the last in a series of strong beverages he had
imbibed throughout the evening. Though pleasantly mellow, he wasn’t
drunk. Harry, who did not hold his wine as well as his friend, had
stopped drinking some time ago.
    They had left Lord Whittingham’s party
several hours before, for once Simon realized he could not approach
Miss James, he was no longer interested in the festivities. Harry,
congenial as always, had offered no resistance, meekly following
his friend home. Once there, they went to Harry’s library and spent
the remainder of the night in friendly conversation.
    “I think a certain beautiful redhead is the
reason for your sudden interest in extending your visit,” Harry
    Simon considered denying the claim, but why
bother? He looked at his companion and sighed.
    “She is a beauty, I’ll admit, and I am
interested. I see no harm in a little flirtation after all.”
    There was a long silence as Harry studied
the marquess. He opened his mouth to speak then clamped his lips
together. His hesitation clearly came from a lack of willingness to
offend his guest. Nevertheless, he began again.
    “Maybe your approach to this young lady
should be less cavalier, Simon. The rumor circulating at the party
is that Lord Whittingham is determined to have her marry his heir.
If that’s true, he won’t tolerate any interference no matter how
harmless. I believe it is something you might wish to
    Simon sat straight in his chair, focusing on
the only piece of information in Harry’s speech that was worth his
    “Who is this heir?”
    “Roger Morley.”
    “Good lord, man, you must be jesting,” Simon
said in disgust. “I’ve met him. He’s a loose-screw. What woman
would want to be married to him?”
    “Any woman who is attracted by the

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