In the Garden of Seduction

Read Online In the Garden of Seduction by Cynthia Wicklund - Free Book Online

Book: In the Garden of Seduction by Cynthia Wicklund Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Wicklund
Tags: Romance, Historical, Regency Romance, Victorian, sensual, 1800's
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been a stressful evening, sir.” That
was the truth, though she had trouble meeting his gaze. “I couldn’t
bring myself to eat. I needed some fresh air and a few moments to
gather my composure.”
    “You’ve been on the balcony?”
    Cassandra looked at her grandfather because
an odd inflection shaded the old man’s words. His pale eyes were
trained on something beyond her, and she felt her stomach lurch as
she turned to peer over her shoulder. Lord Sutherfield had chosen
that moment to emerge from the gloom of the balcony.
    The marquess lingered in the doorway where
he pulled at the cuffs of his coat with casual indifference, while
lazily surveying his surroundings. His glance fell on Cassandra,
and it sharpened noticeably before he looked past her to Lord
    For several moments Lord Sutherfield’s
expression remained unchanged, his scrutiny flicking back and forth
between the earl and Cassandra. Then the ghost of a smile eased his
mouth, and he nodded almost imperceptibly in their direction.
Having done so, he showed them his back and slowly sauntered from
the room.
    Cassandra could feel her grandfather stiffen
beside her.
    “Do you know that man?” he demanded of
    “Only to meet.” She cocked her gaze in her
grandfather’s direction, wondering what he would say if he knew she
had just kissed that brief acquaintance. In all fairness, she
really hadn’t kissed the marquess—he had kissed her. Still, she
knew she had been involved in something highly improper.
    “Who is he?” he asked.
    “I know who he is.” Roger interrupted the
    Unaware of his approach, Cassandra turned an
irritated look on him. The one thing she had gleaned about her
cousin was that he “knew” a little about everything.
    “Yes, I know him,” Roger continued, his nose
pinched in disapproval. “He is the Marquess of Sutherfield, and
I’ve heard he’s not to be trusted with the ladies.” This last was
said presumably for her benefit.
    Cassandra gritted her teeth.
    “That’s Sutherfield’s heir?” her grandfather
asked. “I invited him tonight. I wouldn’t have done so had I known
of his reputation.” He turned to her, concern etched on his
features. “Cassandra…?”
    How irksome that she had been put in a
position of having to reassure him. If she had needed to convince
Quintin James, she would have put her arm around her father and
told him not to worry his dear old head on her behalf. But this was
different. She did not know the earl, and she resented having to
answer to him. Her feelings for the marquess, nonexistent as they
were, belonged to her. She risked a little rebellion.
    “The marquess and I are just met—there is
nothing more to it than that.” Her tone was haughty and
    A thundercloud gathered on the earl’s brow.
“That’s a good thing, for I guarantee that man has no place in your
    Her heart skipped a panic-stricken beat. What in heaven’s name had he meant by that remark?
    “I’m afraid I don’t understand you, sir.
Even I’m not in a position to guarantee my future. There are many
decisions still to be made, and I am quite capable of doing that
myself when the time comes.”
    He had frightened her. Cassandra admitted
that to herself since her heart had not yet resumed its normal
rhythm. But she wasn’t a coward, either. This was the very thing
her father had warned her about, and she’d better take a stand
right now or this man would own her life.
    Lord Whittingham’s next words made it clear
how difficult a task she had in front of her. “Make no mistake,
Cassandra, you will do as you are told. Whether you like it or not,
with your birth comes certain obligations. You will do your
    That tears it! For the second time
tonight a man had issued her an ultimatum, and her nervousness was
replaced by outrage. The only difference was her response to the
marquess’ forward behavior, rather than anger, was a guilty
excitement. But she had

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