I'm Watching You

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Book: I'm Watching You by Karen Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Rose
Tags: Fiction, Suspense
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the list of anyone associated with the three trials. Victims, family members, anybody who testified. I ran copies for both of you.“ She handed each detective a stack. „But I forgot the jury. It may not mean anything, of course. The Ramey jury wouldn’t have known about the chain, but the King jury knew the names of his victims.“
    Mia flipped through her stack. „Wow. How long did this take you?“
    „To get the list, about ten minutes. I keep a personal database of all my cases so the hard work was already done. It took three hours to print it all up because my home printer is ancient.“ She frowned, watching Reagan’s face darken. „What?“
    He looked up, his blue eyes cold. „There are cops on this list,“ he said too softly.
    Kristen felt her stomach gurgle, a sure sign of stress. As always, she pulled into herself, growing still. It was one of the most valuable skills she possessed. She met Reagan’s gaze unflinchingly. „Of course there are. They participated in the investigation.“
    Twin flags of dark color appeared just above Reagan’s clean-shaven cheekbones. „And for too long they’ve watched the guilty go free?“ he said, quoting the killer’s letter.
    Kristen clenched her jaw, but kept her voice level. „You said that, not me. But it’s true. And now we know he has an inside track.“ A glance from the corner of her eye showed Mia watching the exchange with a puckered brow.
    Reagan riffled through the pages impatiently. „Where are the lawyers, Kristen?“
    „They’re on there. All defense attorneys and their staff.“
    He dipped his head, an intimidating move she wasn’t entirely sure he did on purpose. „What about your office? What about the prosecutors?“ he asked, his voice falsely calm.
    She let out a quiet breath. „You’re looking at her, Detective Reagan.“
    „But you have assistants, right, Kristen?“ Mia asked neutrally. „Secretaries?“
    Truthfully, she hadn’t considered that fact, but it was only fair and complete to add everyone to the list, especially now they knew he had an inside track of information. „I’ll revise the lists and send them over to your office after lunch.“ She shouldered her laptop case, readjusting the weight. „I’ll see you later.“
    „Where are you going?“ Reagan demanded and irritation had her straightening.
    „Motion hour is at nine.“ She leveled him a stare. „We all have jobs to do, Detective.“
    He nodded stiffly and lifted the printout in the air. „Thank you. This would have taken us hours to complete.“ It was an olive branch and she accepted it with a civil nod.
    „Days,“ Mia corrected. „We’ll get started interviewing the original victims later today.“
    Kristen’s gut clenched. „So they get steamrolled by the system yet again.“ She looked at Mia. „I’d like to come along, especially for Ramey’s and King’s victims.“
    Her expression sympathetic, Mia opened her mouth, but Reagan cut her off before she could utter a word.
    „Why, Counselor?“ he asked, his tone one step from caustic. „Think we’ll bully one of them into confessing?“
    Mia blew out a frustrated breath. „You’re outta line, Reagan. She – “
    Kristen held up her hand. „No, Mia, it’s all right. I can understand Detective Reagan’s misperception under the circumstances.“ She looked up at him, challenging him to meet her eyes, waiting to speak until he did. „Let’s get a few things straight, Detective. I have a good working relationship with Spinnelli’s office. Anyone will tell you I’m fair and thorough. I don’t know if we’re dealing with a cop or a lawyer or just some nutcase with really good sources, but at this point none of us can afford to overlook any potential suspect. Even if it’s a cop. Especially if it’s a cop. Because I respect your badge and don’t want to see it tarnished by one bad apple who doesn’t represent any of you.“
    He opened his mouth and this time she cut him off. „I’m

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