
Read Online IceAgeLover by Marisa Chenery - Free Book Online

Book: IceAgeLover by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
her not going back to British Columbia and staying
with him, but he’d never actually said he was falling for her. Confused, not
sure if she was jumping too far ahead of herself, she decided to let it go for
    * * * * *
    Kajakti sat out on the deck with Edensaw while Jaren was
busy in the kitchen cooking with Durlach. His alpha had come out with him while
the others had stayed inside. It didn’t take much thinking on Kajakti’s part to
realize Edensaw had made sure they would be alone.
    Kajakti pulled the windbreaker he wore a little closer
around him. The nights were starting to get cooler, and the daylight wasn’t
lasting as long as it did in the high of summer. Fall was fast approaching.
    He looked at Edensaw. “So what is it that you wanted to talk
to me about?”
    His alpha smiled. “What makes you think I have something to
discuss with you?”
    “Well, we’re out here by ourselves. I think you planned
    “Okay, maybe I did. I thought you’d feel more comfortable
without our wolf brothers around to hear.” Edensaw paused. “When are you going
to tell Jaren about what you are?”
    Kajakti blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I now understand
why Wachei and Ketah didn’t tell their mates right away. It’s not something you
can just blurt out and expect a mortal to accept.”
    “True, but you’ve already claimed Jaren as your mate. The
only thing that has saved you has been the fact she is staying with us. And you
know you can’t let her continue to think she can go back to Canada without you,
let alone remain living there.”
    “I know.” Kajakti tucked some of his hair behind his ear. “I
thought to wait until Jaren settled in a little better. I don’t want to add any
more stress on her than what she already has because of her asshole ex.”
    “I realize that, but you’re running into the risk of one of
us letting it slip or something happening that will force you to reveal what
you are before you’ve had a chance to explain.”
    “Like a run-in with a dark wolf.”
    “Precisely. They’re still out there. You know that. Until we
can find Tanner, and in turn this Andre who creates the dark wolves, there’s
always a chance they will try something else to weaken us.”
    “And with that looming over us, it would be better if I
turned Jaren. That way she’d be immortal and not as fragile as she is now.”
    “There is that too.”
    Kajakti sighed. “Tomorrow Ketah said he and Haven would drop
Jaren and me off at the Canadian consulate for Jaren to apply to have her
passport replaced. Once she gets that out of the way, I’ll tell her
    “I think that’s a wise decision. Brice still hasn’t been
able to find any leads from that old warehouse Andre and Tanner had kept Haven
captive in. Whoever this Andre is, he does well in covering his tracks.”
    Brice was the local werewolf pack leader, and someone
Kajakti and his wolf brothers considered a good friend. “If he doesn’t want to
be found, he won’t. We were lucky we could follow Tanner to the warehouse. He
may be one of the dark wolves now but that doesn’t mean he’s smartened up any.”
    “That’s what Brice thinks. He has members of his pack on the
lookout for Tanner. He’s our best bet to finding Andre again.”
    “Hopefully Tanner will make another dumb move soon.” Kajakti
stood. “I guess I should go inside and see how Jaren is doing with dinner.”
    Edensaw rose to his feet. “Good idea. And just so you know,
we all think Jaren is great. And not because she’s teaching Durlach to be a
better cook, though that does help.”
    “I’m glad. I love her.”
    “As you should since she’s your mate. Just remember to tell
her that when you reveal what you are. She needs to hear it from you.”
    Kajakti nodded, then headed inside the house. The delicious
smells coming from the kitchen hit his nose and his stomach growled. He had a
feeling he’d smell many more tantalizing scents like that in the

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