Dead Time Series
told him that he would never be that man. He had gone cold and distant when she
said that because she didn’t really know him. But remembering her words now
sent a sense of peace and calmness through his body.
    He closed
his eyes and took a deep breath, struggling to push the fear aside for a moment
and let the idea of marrying her sink into his heart. He was used to fighting
physically, but the inner turmoil was a more difficult battle. However, this
time the fight felt different, he knew what he needed to do. For once, he could
see clearly that he needed to take action and do something he internally had
always wanted to do.
time to ask you to marry me. Screw my father. Sweat dripped down his forehead. If he didn’t act now, it was only a matter of
time before his fear would stop him. He looked at his watch. Three
more hours before Bridget gets off work. Caden quickly made his way
out of the house feeling his heart racing a mile a minute.
    Fresh air
rushed passed his ears as he slid across the hood of his car and got in. With
his foot to the floor, he sped off down the road. Caden couldn’t get to his
place fast enough. He needed to stay focused on the task.
details of how Caden got into his condominium were a blur. He grabbed the
silvery knobs of his closet doors and slid them open. The closet was filled
with camping gear and boxes. He moved everything off the chest. Dust outlined
where a box had sat, but Caden didn’t care. He grabbed the lid and tried to
open the chest. No luck . He scratched
his head.
    He never
locked the chest and didn’t even know where he kept the key. The last time he
had been in the chest, he must have made the foolish mistake of locking it. He
bit his lip thinking about all the different possibilities of where the key
could be.
    The key
was probably in his box of trinkets and junk. Moving to the small wooden box on
his dresser, he quickly searched through it. No luck . It had to be in the room somewhere. He searched around
frantically, dumping things onto the floor and bed. Nothing. Using too
much muscle, he loudly slammed the drawer shut. Okay, breathe buddy. It has
to be here. A small clock on the wall ticked away as he glanced up at it. I
still have time. I’ll just utilize this time to pack and brainstorm where it
might be while I get ready.
go of the drawer handle, Caden went to get his bags. He made short work of
packing for the trip to the office. Tightness grew in his chest, as he still
couldn’t figure out where the key could be hiding. Before he knew it, he was
done packing and everything was loaded in the car.
walked to the chest and looked at it for a moment. I’m going to win this
fight. Walking calmly, Caden entered the garage and got the crowbar. After
going back in the room, he looked at the chest for a moment. Key or no key,
you’re going to open.
slammed into the crack underneath the lid of the chest. With a hard push, the
lock broke and the wooden lid flew open. The ring was under a couple of books.
As he picked up the black box, his anxiety mounted; his breathing increased and
sweat began to build on his forehead. Being so focused on trying to get the
ring, Caden had been distracted from the anxiety. Am I making a mistake?
    Taking a
deep breath and releasing it, Caden gripped the small box in his hand and stood
up. No, I have to do this. At least this way we’ll be engaged; we can figure
out the marriage part later.  
the time on his watch, Caden realized he had to hurry if he was going to get
back and be ready for Bridget. He jumped in the car and sped off. A million
ideas raced through his head about how he wanted to ask Bridget to marry him.
Somehow he thought it would be fun to involve Mags, maybe tying the ring to her
collar. Even the old-fashioned ‘getting on one knee’ seemed like it could be
heartfelt enough, since he didn’t have a tremendous amount of time to be more
creative. Each idea helped him push back

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