Hurt (The Hurt Series)

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Book: Hurt (The Hurt Series) by D.B. Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.B. Reeves
housing estate on a Sunday morning without one person seeing him and leaving no trace of his existence.
    Between a mouthful of prawn toast, Ray asked, ‘What about you? Productive day fighting the good fight?’
    Jessop shook her head, chewed on some rice, knowing to swallow it would be a challenge.
    ‘You okay, honey? You look miles away.’
    She was. She was still in little Keisha’s bedroom surrounded by Tanya’s blood. Still under that bridge staring at George Armitage’s exposed throat. Still in that rancid squat, recoiling from Spartan’s mutilated remains.
    And still behind that sofa praying the girl’s screaming would stop.
    ‘You mind if I skip dinner?’
    Ray placed his fork down. Fixed her with sincere eyes. ‘You eaten anything today?’
    ‘Grabbed a sandwich,’ she lied.
    ‘Something troubling you besides work?’
    Yes, but she couldn’t tell him. ‘No. Just want this week over.’
    Ray considered this, his eyes still searching hers.
    Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, she said, ‘I think I might take a bath. Maybe have some toast after.’ She made a move to get up.
    She stopped, caught once again in Ray’s prying stare.
    ‘Any doubts about Saturday, and we talk them through sooner rather than later, okay?’
    A lump rose in her throat. The only thing in her life she
have doubts about was marrying Ray on Saturday. ‘Trust me,’ she said, mustering the warmest smile she could, ‘I have no doubts.’
    Ray relaxed.
    ‘You want me to save you the water?’ she asked.
    The twinkle returned to the muddy grey eyes she loved so much as he picked up the fork and grinned at the feast before him. ‘Nah. You take your time, honey. I got China to conquer.’
    She took Ray’s advice, wallowing in the hot, soapy bubbles until the water cooled and her fingertips shrivelled. Lying on her bed, dressed only in a towelling robe, she wished she could click her prune-like fingertips and skip forward to next Sunday. Then she wouldn’t have to lie to her then husband about what was on her mind. Because by then it would be over, and she’d be as far from this city and Vincent Dodd as she could be.
    Of course, that was if she made it past Tuesday, All Hallows’ Eve, when she would have to confront a real demon.

Chapter Sixteen
    Monday, October 30 th
    ‘Mum! Door!’
    The girl with the auburn hair did not find her big sister hidden behind the sofa.
    What did happen was that their mother answered the door and let out a sharp scream before the girl heard a terrible thud. What did happen was that her father raced out of his office shouting for his wife and that the man who had knocked on the door shouted at her father before a lot of banging and several more thuds. What did happen was that the girl’s sister came running into the room screaming for mum and then stopped screaming all too suddenly. What did happen was that the girl had held her breath and had bit down on her gums so hard they bled whilst the man did something that sounded strenuous like exercise and made him grunt and make mum cry. What did happen was dad was told to shut the fuck up or the little girl would get her pretty little ginger head blown off. What did happen was that the man made the girl’s sister cry next whilst making those terrible grunting noises and warning dad his wife will get her head blown off if he tried anything. What did happen was her father shouting something about not wanting his wife to live another day seeing what she had seen done to their precious little girl. What did happen were three deafening bangs that made the girl behind the sofa pee in her panties. What did happen was the sound of heavy footsteps running through the house banging doors, and a gruff voice calling out for the little bitch to show herself. What did happen was a lot of bad language followed by the front door slamming and then silence.
    What happened next was silence and a curious metallic smell that overpowered the smell of

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