Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)

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Book: Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
Tags: interracial paranormal romance
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cellar and found all the weapons. There was a diary with all their maps, notes and vamp kills.”
    “Did it freak you out?”
    “Yeah at first, of course. Then I devoured all the information.”
    “It was exciting right?”
    “Yes exciting. So I told them I would be the best hunter ever, just as long as my little brother and sister could stay away from the life.”
    “Did that work? Did you keep them away?”
    “Yeah, it was one of the best things I ever did for someone. My brother is away at college in Michigan. My sister’s married with two kids. This life I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I love my brother and sister and I keep them safe.”
    Scar took a seat on the swing. She felt good about keeping her siblings away from this life, a life filled with monsters.
    “I tried to let Ryan live a normal life but after our dad dies I felt like I needed to keep him close. I needed to keep tabs on him. I needed Ryan with me. I guess I was selfish and lonely. Maybe a little confused at the time.” Max sat in the empty swing next to Scar.
    “Max we all get lonely. That’s the life of a hunter. At least you have Ryan. You have your family by your side.”
    “Yeah but sometimes it’s not enough.” Max thought about the life he could’ve had if he wasn’t a hunter. If this life wasn’t something handed down to him from his parents.
    “Yeah I know. You know Scar, you could have a real life with the guy of your dreams. You could have a snot nose kid.”
    “Me a mother?”
    Max shrugged, unsure of how he should react. “Yeah you, a mother.”
    “Changing pampers by day, beheading vampires by night. Seriously?”
    “Yeah seriously.”
    “Max, I can’t unknow what I know.”
    Max shook his head yes. “I’ve never tried the family life. It took a little time for me to realize this is the only life for me. This is what I’m good at. This is where I want to be.”
    “I guess some of us have to go it alone. This life is lonely. You have your brother.”
    “I do. Maybe you don’t have to, you know be alone. I’m here.”
    “Yeah you are.”
    “I could look out for you.”
    “Max Fox, are you asking me to go steady?” Scarlet was toying with him and serious at the same time. She was flattered.
    “I think I am. Hell yes I am.” He grinned.
    “Scarlet andMax sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-, I-N-G.”
    “You’re making jokes.” Max smiled. He couldn’t help it. Scar made him happy.
    “No, I’m just singing out loud.”
    “I had a hellava year. Almost lost my brother.” Max struggled with the words. “Meeting you, is, ya know, like one of the good parts.”
    “I would be honored to go steady with number one.” Scarlet smiled a childish goofy smile.
    “Well it’s official. We are going steady.” Max grinned. “So me and you are a couple.”
    “Now you’re scaring me.” She teased.
    “Please, you don’t scare easy.”
    “We’re a couple, a vampire hunter couple.”
    “So we’re like all monogamous and stuff.” Max asked.
    “Do you want to be monogamous and stuff?”
    “Yeah that goes with it right?”
    “Normally yes.”
    “Well let’s do normal.” Max felt good about his decision and this new milestone in his life. He had a smoking hot girlfriend that he wanted to keep safe. She was a dream. She was a woman he could share his life with instead of hide it.
    “Let’s kiss to seal the deal.” Scar ordered.
    Scar inched her swing over to Max’s swing. She planted a nice passionate kiss on his waiting mouth. The kiss was sweet. It made her feel young again. It made her feel free from worry, not totally free but free enough. Max made her feel like maybe there was a chance that she would survive being number two. She prayed, something she rarely did. She prayed that she would make it out alive.
    “Listen it’s time we get out of here. We have a mission. We have to get to work.”
    Scar stood, leaving her swing dangling behind her. She turned back and looked at Max. She raised her hand

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