Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)

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Book: Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) by Lolah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolah Lace
Tags: interracial paranormal romance
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staircase that led into the basement. He saw Colin and Jerry feeding from a young teenage girl who was near death. Walt could hear the faint beat of her heart. The girl’s Catholic schoolgirl uniform was drenched in blood. Her hair was streaked with wet crimson highlights.
    Colin stopped feeding as soon as he noticed Walt’s eyes on them.
    “We were looking for you.” Colin said to Walt. “I just got a call from Pedro the runner. Number three has been spotted in Pennsylvania.”
    “It’s time to move. Leave the dead girl.”
    Colin stared into the schoolgirl’s eyes. “She’s not dead yet.”
    “No matter, leave her. We got another hunter to kill, number three.”
    “What about Janette?”
    “Fuck that whore. She’s probably feeding on a homeless person. We go without her. She’s a cunt. She will only slow us down with her constant whining.”
    Jerry stood and wiped his stained mouth. He grabbed his leather jacket off the edge of the couch. Colin pushed the nearly dead girl off his lap unto the cement basement floor. He stood and licked the excess blood from his lips.
    Colin and Jerry never had reason to question Walt. He was a great leader. The best they ever had. He was their ticket to bigger and better things.
    It didn’t take long for Max, Ryan and Scar to get back to New Kensington Pennsylvania. They had a few hours to kill before they went out to look for Roy and some of the places he frequented. All the bars hadn’t opened for business yet. Until then Roy could be anywhere.
    Max decided to drop Ryan off at a nearby hotel. He wanted to spend some alone time with Scar. Max let Scar drive the truck. She drove until she found a secluded playground in an industrial area. She parked the truck and they got out. Max and Scar walked down a path that led to the children’s playground.
    “Shouldn’t we be looking for Roy?” Max asked. He wasn’t sure what they were doing in the park. He was anxious to get this job over with so he can go look for Drack. This was just a regular job to Max. He had a serious enemy in Drack.
    “Calm down, we don’t have to look for Roy. I know exactly when he’ll be there.”
    “And where is that?”
    “I told you, the roadhouse.”
    “How do you know?”
    “I used to hunt with him and his partner back in the day. Roy is secretive but predictable. I’ve hunted with a lot of the guys.”
    “So you really got around.” He hinted, asked, inquired. He just wanted to know her track record although it wouldn’t matter. He had already fallen hard.
    “If you’re asking about me and other hunters well I’ve only been with one hunter other than you. We broke up ages ago. He disappeared and is presumed dead.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that.”
    “Are you really?”
    “No not really.” Max grinned. It made him feel better knowing Scar didn’t sleep around. He never really thought she did but he seemed to feel things a little differently now that they had been intimate.
    “Besides, I wanted to spend a little time with you before I meet my maker.”
    Max looked away, completely ignoring Scar’s defeatist attitude. “Hey I was wondering. How did you get into this life?”
    “They were handing out applications at the local Target.” Scar joked.
    “Ha, ha. No really.”
    “I was born into it. My mother and father were vampire hunters. You could say it’s a family tradition. My folks, they’re retired now.”
    “Really, mine too. I mean they were hunters. They’re dead now.”
    “Did they die on the job?”
    “Yeah, my mother was killed by a demon, my dad was killed by a vamp.”
    “Damn that’s terrible.”
    “Well it goes with the territory. We hunt. We die.”
    Scar decided to change the subject. She didn’t mean to bring up a painful subject. “I am the oldest kid in my family. After awhile my parents couldn’t hide it from me. They would take these trips and leave me alone to watch my brother and sister. So one day I broke into the locked

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