Humanity Gone: Facade of Order

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Book: Humanity Gone: Facade of Order by Derek Deremer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek Deremer
at an abandoned prison for a few days at a time before redistributing us. A small group of the men and women I worked with stuck together in those early years. There were a few instances where some could have made a run for it, but we stayed with the group. Over time, several of them had been moved to different locations and no one in that original group was with me anymore at the Mill. I spent most of my time alone. Bottling up everything that has happened since the plague has been difficult to cope with, and it's taken a tole. Sometimes I think if I met that girl who left the city so many years ago I would not even recognize her.
                  Carter told me about his time in the mines and his escape and all about his new leader Ryan. He seems like an okay guy. But then-so did Saul. So did some of the New American's who owned us. I don't trust anyone in charge. I have no reason to trust any of them. I'll put some hope into this “Resistance” because Carter is there.
                  Carter hands me a slice of the apple in his hand and finally tells me what I know he kept inside.
                  “Listen, Jocelyn. I thought you were dead. I turned over every single rock those first few years. Then I moved on.” He pauses. “I'm with someone.”             
              “Good for you,” I lie. I spent the past few years hiding my emotions so I could do it another couple of minutes. “I'm happy for you. What we had was like forever ago. What's her name?”
                  “Paige.” he says. “I will introduce you when we get back tonight.”
                  “Great,” leaks from my mouth. I turn away for a second and look up into the sun. Tears gather in my eyes, but I keep them from falling. 
                  “I'm sorry Jocelyn. Are you okay?” he answers. I turn back.
                  “I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be fine?” I force a smile and place my head on his shoulder.
                  “I'll still always be here, you know.” he says.
                  “And I will always be here for you.” I look back up at him. I may have even fooled him that I am fine. I almost fool myself.
                  He was the hope I held onto everyday these past years. Finding Carter, and maybe, just maybe, having some resemblance of that family again was all that mattered. That last hope was shattered apart.
                  Why God? Why couldn't I even have this?
                  Because you don't deserve it.
                  No, I don't believe that.
                  Yes, I do.
                  No. Please stop. I'm not alone anymore.

    Chapter 9: Paige
                  The caravan from the Mill finally returns around eight o'clock. The series of cars moves around the cul-de-sac of our small town. From the looks of it, they saved a lot of people today. An old school bus of the workers pulls up and they begin filing off. A few of the residents take them to the hundreds of cots set up in the nearby school gymnasium. All new residents spend a few days there for medical treatment, until they can sort out if they want to stay with us or move on. Many of them have homes or families that they want to try to find, so we give them some supplies and wish them well. Some seem a little shaken by all the soldiers here. I can't blame them for their concerns, but it is better to be too cautious in this world.
                  We also keep them there to weed out any potential spies. The Resistance is still largely ignored by the New Americans, but as these missions continue to escalate, that will not last too much longer. Especially after this past one.
                  Carter is usually on these buses. He spends the trip asking each one of the workers about the twins: Sara

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