
Read Online Huge by James Fuerst - Free Book Online

Book: Huge by James Fuerst Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Fuerst
asked me why didn’t I jump out, then. I didn’t answer her. She smiled and said it was fine if I liked it; it was perfectly natural for me to want to look at Cynthia, who was totally gorgeous. She said my liking it was probably the only normal thing about me, and I should feel good about being normal in something, and that it would be our secret. After that, when I was having problems in school or feeling really down, Neecey tried to cheer me up with some closet time. We called it Manning the Lookout because that’s what I did: I looked out. For a few months, I guessed Cynthia didn’t know anything about it, but I supposed she must have found out the time I was Manning the Lookout and mom came home early from work, because Neecey rushed into the room and made Cynthia get dressed real fast and go downstairs, and pushed me into my room while Cynthia was still in the stairwell. I was convinced she’d seen me, and I was totally embarrassed and couldn’t talk to her or look at her or be in the same room with her again, and everything stopped for a few weeks. But about two months ago, Cynthia was staying over and mom was working at the bar and Neecey said it was all clear to Man the Lookout again, if I wanted to. Since then, I’d been doing it pretty regularly, about once a week, all through the summer, and the only thing different was that Neecey had started teasing me about it, and I’d started to wonder if Cynthia knew.
    “Cynthia’s not my fucking sister,” I pointed out.
    “No duh, dipshit. But you’re not such a total horn dog that youcan’t see me in a towel without getting all freaky, are you? Because that’s like way gross.”
    “No,” I said.
    “Then what’s your damage?”
    My damage was I didn’t know if she was right or wrong about any of these things, and I was starting to resent being the guinea pig in her experiments. Plus, I’d had a rough day and felt like she was really riding me for some reason, and I wanted her off my back. So I broke the silence I’d always kept about her business, because I usually didn’t want any part of it. “Why don’t you get Razor back in here and make him look at it? Or has he seen it already?”
    That got her. Her face went flush. She wrapped the towel tighter around herself and said, “So, you saw him leaving?”
    “Yeah,” I said. “Why? You thought you could hide it from me? Fat fucking chance,” I added, realizing I was suddenly much angrier than I’d thought, maybe because thinking of Neecey and Razor reminded me of seeing him with Stacy earlier. “So, tell me Neecey, did you show him your snatch? How’d Razor like playing ball on a field with fresh-cut grass?”
    “Stop it, Genie,” she said calmly. “You’re getting all worked up over nothing.”
    “Or did he trim it for you? Is that it? And then you thanked him by banging him silly on my bed, right?” My face was hot and my hands were shaking.
    “Calm down, Genie,” she soothed. “You’re scary when you get like this.”
    “Oh, so now who’s scared? Who’s the fucking chicken now?” The anger was running on its own steam, racing forward, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. “I’ll show you who’s the fucking chicken!” I pulled my shorts down to my ankles and whipped off my shirt.
    Neecey let out a shriek, jumped back, and covered her eyes. “JesusChrist, Genie!” she barked. “Put your shorts back on right now and like get a grip!”
    Yeah, sometimes I had problems with self-control. I bent over and quickly hiked up my shorts. “They’re on,” I mumbled.
    “You are so majorly deranged sometimes, it’s like, I don’t even know what.”
    As I stood back up, my heart was still racing, but my wits were coming back; they were telling me I should feel like an idiot. My cheeks reddened and my chin drooped toward my chest. “Neecey, I…” I began, but didn’t finish.
    She sighed loudly, calming herself. “Seriously, Genie? Don’t
do any shit like that

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