Cutting Loose

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Book: Cutting Loose by Jayson Dash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayson Dash
getting hurt?”
    “I wish I knew my damn self.”
    “Don’t worry, Casey. You will find
somebody. Trust me, if I can start dating after what I’ve been through, you
will find a man too.”
    Cassandra smiled. “I know. But I’m
surprised you’re handling things so well after two years of romance with the
guy you thought you were destined to be with. But I told you Carl was no good
when y’all first got together. But you wanted to listen to that deranged mother
of yours and look where it got you. And just to think, that idiot is getting
married in a couple of months to that… bitch . If that was me, I would
have chopped off his penis and killed the bitch he cheated with.”
    Sabrina laughed her ass off. “I’m not
the love-struck teenager I was back in high school. Plus, he apologized and
whatnot and he had the nerve to invite me to his wedding.”
    “Are you going?”
    “I don’t know. Should I?”
    “Why not go? Especially with this new
guy you are dating; I’m sure Carl is going to be boiling with envy once he sees
that you’ve moved on.”
    “That’s true. I don’t even miss that
fool. Hell, the sex was terrible!”
    Cassandra laughed her ass off and said,
“What? I thought you were always saying how good he was?”
    Sabrina laughed. “Hell no—it was all
    “So now the truth comes out,” said
Cassandra coolly. “That’s a damn shame. Well in that case, I don’t see why that
heifer wanted him so bad. If it wasn’t the sex, she must have been desperate.
Or something else could be reason enough. Or she’s gold digging’ on his ass.”
    Sabrina paused. She and Cassandra both
exchanged empty looks before she quizzed, “You don’t think he got that bitch
pregnant and decided to leave me so he can marry that bitch so he wouldn’t look
    Cassandra chuckled and said, “Actually
that’s sounds about right. What a moron!”
    It hit her so hard she had to take a
moment to breathe. She refused to think about Carl and his bullshit. She was
completely over him.
    “That’s fucked up but oh well. I guess
I’ll call Brett when I get home and tell him I’m interested in a date.”
    “That’s good. I love that name, it
sounds like it belongs to a handsome guy. You better get the ball rolling if
you plan on having any children—you’ll be thirty-three in a few months.”
    “Please don’t remind me.” She looked at
her watch and said, “Well, it’s getting close to dinner time and I’m hungry as
    “Me, too. I love this little thing we
did. We should do it more often and next time maybe we should invite Larissa.”
    “Maybe,” said Sabrina, rising to her
feet. “I’ll call you and tell you how things went if the date ever happens.”
    “What you mean ‘if’? Sabrina, you better
stop playing games and get your man before another bitch does!”
    “I’ll be damned!” She grabbed her purse
and said, “While I’m here I might as well buy some new clothes for my date. And
you can help me pick out something—but it has to be classy!”
    “Hey, you don’t have to worry, I’m a pro
when it comes to this stuff. I’ll hook you up with the VIP treatment.”
    “Okay. I’ll take your word for it.”
    They stood up and began the search for
the perfect outfit for Sabrina’s future date with Brett that Sabrina was sure
to be interesting to every extent.
    Chapter Seven:
    Family Dinner
    Sabrina Evans loved Friday’s. It was probably
because she knew at the end of the day her hard-earned paycheck would be in the
bank account just waiting for her to go blow it all on bills and whatever she
had left would go to a new pair of shoes or a new hairdo, basically whichever
one she was in need of the most. So as Friday morning came and went; Sabrina
already knew what time it was and couldn’t wait to get her bills out of the way
and hit the mall.
    Once she was done at the office dealing
with Camille’s bullshit all day, she headed home and jumped in the shower

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