Horde of the Demon Priest (Demona Book 3)

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Book: Horde of the Demon Priest (Demona Book 3) by Megan A. Hepler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan A. Hepler
for today,” Ezekiel said.
    “I’ll bring some items with me tomorrow to help control this thing while you work. We don’t need anyone getting injured, or killed, while trying to figure this out,” Kerrick said.
    Demona was surprised at Kerrick’s words. He seemed genuinely concerned that someone could be hurt by the possessed. She was not certain what to make of his sudden compassion for others. Is this all just some ploy to regain my trust?

    Chapter 6:
    The Wedding
    Hannah and Kaleb stood hand in hand at the front of the sanctuary. They looked deeply into one another’s eyes as if peering into one another’s souls. Demona studied the two from her position off to the side of Hannah. Hannah’s long blonde hair fell around her face with a Baby’s Breath wreath situated on top. The white bohemian style dress paired with her soft skin gave her the appearance of complete purity. Her eyes sparkled as she stared into Kaleb’s and repeated the words that Ezekiel spoke.
    “I know that Aleph has ordained this marriage. I desire to be your wife and forever be in love and companionship with you,” Hannah spoke.
    Kaleb stared back into Hannah’s eyes as he listened to her echo Ezekiel and speak her vows to him. His long wavy surfer hair partially obscured his eyes, but Demona could tell he was enraptured with Hannah in that moment. His untucked white cotton dress shirt hung loosely over his khaki colored hemp pants. If anyone did not know better they would have thought the wedding was taking place at a chapel by a beach on a warm summer’s day based on their attire, especially if they looked at Kaleb’s naturally tanned skin tone. However, if you looked outside the windows of the old church the first snow flurries of the year fell gently from the deep purple evening sky.
    Demona looked past the two love birds at Felix who stared back at her from Kaleb’s side. He was handsome in his mismatched suit consisting of black pants and grey vest. Looking at him dressed up sent images of a wedding where they were the bride and groom flowing through her mind. Demona looked down at the long slim fitted gown she wore. She was happy that Hannah had chosen a hot pink dress for her to wear, as opposed to something that matched the tacky, pale pink tulle bows that decorated the ends of the wooden pews.
    Demona looked back up in Felix’s direction and caught his eye. They stared across at one another deeply; it made Demona’s heart feel as if it were swelling. She wondered if visions of their own potential wedding were filling his thoughts as well. Felix continued to gaze longingly into her eyes. The slight distance between them made her feel as if they were a million miles apart. At the same time everything felt so right between them.
    He flashed her one of his heart melting smiles and she wanted to grab him and kiss him right then and there. The thought made her blush, especially after the thoughts of their wedding drifted to thoughts of their honeymoon. Felix noticed her momentary lapse in focus and grinned once more as if he knew what she had been thinking, which only made Demona blush brighter. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and she brushed them with her fingertips as if she could hide their rosy color. Demona promptly looked down at the dark pink Gerber Daises that decorated her simple bouquet and she fumbled with the leaves as she tried to regain her composure.
    She could not imagine loving another person like she loved Felix, or feeling more comfortable in her own skin with anyone else as she was when they were together. Despite the bumpy road their relationship had been when it first started, Demona was certain, more now than ever, that things would never be complicated between them again. He was the most supportive and understanding person she had ever known. In that moment she realized that Felix was the one; her soul mate.
    “I now pronounce you husband and

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