Hollywood Kids

Read Online Hollywood Kids by Jackie Collins - Free Book Online

Book: Hollywood Kids by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
Sharleen was a movie star for chrissake. Movie stars were
to have reputations!
    'Calm down,' he told her, in between trying to find out exactly what had taken place at his house. Kyle and Daniel, his sons, were close-mouthed. Suzy, Sharleen's daughter, was sulky. The three of them were silent on the subject of who invited the drug dealer - a twenty-something rich kid - to their house.
    'He's a friend of a friend,' Kyle finally admitted. 'We had no idea he was a dealer.'
    Sure. They'd had no idea. Until the rich kid was arrested by an undercover cop posing as a high-school drop-out just after he'd sold a gram of cocaine to Susy's best friend, an angelic-faced blonde teenager.
    'It's your fault,' Sharleen informed Mac.
    'Why is it always
fault?' he'd asked patiently.
    'Because you never discipline those boys. You allow them to run wild.'
    'It was Susy's friend making the buy,' he'd pointed out.
    'That's right, change the subject.'
    At Sharleen's insistence he'd arranged for his sons to visit their mother for a few weeks. Some punishment. Lounging around Hawaii surfing and getting tans.
    His ex-wife had moved to the big island shortly after their divorce became final. Her father had made sure she used a killer lawyer who'd scored her an enormous settlement, with hefty alimony payments unless she remarried. Plus child support until the boys finished college.
    Like she needed the money, Willa had trust funds coming out her ass.
    Big chance she'd ever remarry. He was screwed. The moment all financial matters were in place she'd moved her girlfriend in, a plump redhead with smoky eyes and soft hands. The ex-Mrs Mac Brooks was a dyke, and there was nothing he could do about it except continue paying big bucks for the rest of his life.
able to get custody of his boys. This didn't thrill Sharleen, who went to great lengths to inform anyone who'd listen that they were merely her stepsons.
    Mac was not happy about the situation. Getting divorced was one thing. But getting divorced and then having his ex set up home with another woman was downright insulting. Especially when
was paying for their cozy little set-up. Somehow he imagined Willa's sexual turnaround reflected on him, and not favourably. Hadn't he satisfied her? Wasn't he an incredible lover as women had always told him?
    'Baby, you're the best,' Sharleen crooned on a regular basis. She was a very intelligent woman when she wanted to be.
    So Kyle and Daniel were banished to Hawaii, and Suzy was forbidden to see her angelic-faced girlfriend ever again. Case settled. Mac could get back to concentrating on his next project.
    He had a lunch-time meeting with Bobby Rush regarding a script Bobby had sent him.
Thriller Eyes
was an interesting piece of material - a psychological sexual edge-of-the-seat psycho drama about a hero and a villain. The twist was that the villain was a beautiful psychotic young woman, although the audience didn't find out until the end of the movie.
    Mac liked the piece a lot, but he wasn't sure about working with Bobby Rush, if he was anything like his father he'd be a monumental pain in the ass.

* * *
    'Have you heard about Cheryl's latest venture?' Jordanna asked Shep as they sat on the patio of his two-bedroom Hollywood Hills house - purchased for him by his mother in a generous mood.
    'The call-girl thing?' Shep said.
    Jordanna raised her eyebrows. 'Is she crazy or what?'
    'We all know she's crazy,' Shep stated matter-of-factly.
    'I realize that,' Jordanna replied. 'But this time she's
over the edge.'
    Shep filled up Jordanna's glass of iced tea. 'She told me if she succeeds with the girls she's starting a service to accommodate the wives.'
    Jordanna almost choked on her tea. 'Huh?'
    'Studs for bored women.'
    'No way!' Jordanna said, spluttering with laughter.
    'She's quite serious. In fact, she asked me if I was interested in being on her books.'
, Shep!'
    'I don't know why I'm surprised. She tried to

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