Hollywood Kids

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Book: Hollywood Kids by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
very... sexy.'
    It's the hit movie that does it, he wanted to say, pulls 'em in every time.
    Taureen swept into the other room, her musky scent lingering behind.
    What a town! Bobby thought. When you're hot you're boiling. And when you're cold - lie down and die, asshole, 'cause even your exterminator won't speak to you.
    Mac Brooks hurried up to the table full of apologies. 'Trouble with my kids,' he said ruefully. 'If you're single, Bobby, stay that way. Marriage leads to kids, and then normal life as you know it is over for ever. I gotta have a drink.' He wrinkled his nose. 'That's a hell of an aftershave you're wearing.'
    'Taureen Worth.'
    'Is she doing that Elizabeth Taylor thing now?'
    Bobby laughed. 'Not yet. She stopped by the table. I'm sure she'll be back when she knows you're here.'
    'You heard about me and Taureen, huh? It was a location fuck - you know what that's like - six weeks of passion and then you don't even remember each other's name. She's the worst actress I ever worked with - never again.'
    Bobby decided to go the polite route. 'It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mac. I admire every one of your movies, especially
The Contract.'
    Mac signalled the waiter, he really did need a drink and a Scotch on the rocks would do nicely. 'You, too, Bobby. I had the studio screen
Hard Tears
for me - excellent work. As an actor you make interesting choices. You have an edge. I like that, keeps the audience alert.'
    Bobby felt suitably flattered. 'Thanks,' he said modestly.
    'I almost worked with your father once.'
    'How lucky can you get.'
    Well, Mac thought, I guess we know where we stand on
    'So,' Bobby said, getting right to it. 'Did you have time to read the script?'
    'Read it. Loved it. That's why I'm here.'
    'Are you interested?'
    Mac chuckled. 'You don't believe in wasting time, do you?'
    Bobby paused before answering. He'd gone over this meeting in his head for several days. Mac Brooks had a fine track record, but he hadn't made a money-making movie in several years, so choosing him for the project was a risk. However, Bobby was sure, in fact he knew that if they got along, Mac would be the perfect director for his film.
    'You know what, Mac,' he said slowly, measuring his words. 'In the past I
wasted a lot of time, and now I'm taking the high-ticket ride.' He stared directly at the Oscar-winning director, his blue eyes blazingly intense. 'I need a fast answer, so, let's cut out the bullshit. Are you in or out?'

Chapter Eight
    'What's the matter?' Amber asked, as Michael and Quincy burst noisily into the house.
    It's not good news,' Quincy replied, hurriedly taking her to one side as Michael ran to the phone. 'Rita's not at her apartment, nor is Bella.'
    'Are they on vacation?' Amber asked, wondering why they both seemed so uptight.
    Quincy shrugged, heading for the kitchen. 'I doubt it, the place is neglected - looks like nobody's lived there in a couple of months.'
    Amber followed him. 'So she's moved?'
    'Don't think so,' Quincy said, automatically reaching for the cookie jar. 'All their stuff's there. Clothes, toys, everything.'
    She smacked the cookie out of his hand. 'No,' she said firmly.
    'Amber!' he pleaded. 'I'm starvin', woman!'
    You'll get fat,' she retorted.
    'One cookie?' he begged, snaking his arm around her waist. 'C'mon, Mama, one little cookie for one hungry man.'
    She ignored him. 'How about her make-up?' she asked.
    What's that got to do with anything?'
    'If she took her make-up it means they're OK.'
    Women's logic. Quincy shook his head. 'I don't know. She hasn't picked up her last two months' alimony checks, they're still in the envelopes.'
    'What does Michael say?'
he say. Right now he's trying to reach her aunt in New York. She's Rita's only relative. He's hopin' she knows where they are.'
    'I'm telling you, check her make-up,' Amber said, nodding wisely. 'No woman goes anywhere for more than a day without taking her make-up.'
    'Yeah, yeah, we'll do that.

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