His Prize (The Cleaners Book 1)

Read Online His Prize (The Cleaners Book 1) by Doris O'Connor - Free Book Online

Book: His Prize (The Cleaners Book 1) by Doris O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doris O'Connor
    Ren reached across the bed, expecting to find a soft female body and frowned when his fingers encountered nothing but a cushion.
    “What the fuck?”
    The light was on, dimmed so as not to wake him, and he swore under his breath when he saw her open suitcase. Disappointment sat heavy in his gut. She wouldn’t get very far if she’d run, but, dammit, he’d hoped she wouldn’t. He’d have to kill her, and that thought made his gut twist in horror.
    He deliberately hadn’t locked the door, testing her, safe in the knowledge that he’d wake up the minute she stirred and thus would be able to stop her. The fact that he hadn’t, and judging by the stone cold sheet on her side, she had been gone a while didn’t sit well with him. He never slept that soundly, so what the fuck was that all about?
    Pulling on some joggers, he took the stairs three at a time, and stopped dead when he yanked open the fire door at the top.
    Someone was cooking breakfast, and there was bacon involved, unless he was very much mistaken. The delicious smell made his stomach growl in need, reminding him that it had been hours since he’d last eaten, and he’d used up a fair amount of calories since then. Unbidden an image of Susie, bound, naked and at his mercy popped in his head, and predictably his cock stiffened in answer. She’d been so beautifully responsive to him it made her apparent betrayal even harder to swallow. A glance at the front door showed it to be unlocked, and Ren swore under his breath. Someone would pay for this, all right.
    Feminine laughter, which could only belong to his little pumpkin, joined the gruff rumble of his men, and breathing a sigh of relief that she was still here, Ren crossed the distance to the kitchen in record time. His mood darkened further, however, when he entered the kitchen to find a positive picture postcard scene of domestic bliss.
    Four of his men sat round the kitchen table, munching themselves through what looked like their body weight in pancakes. His unruly prize was laughing at something Ty said to her, as he put his empty plate in the kitchen sink, where she seemed to be stirring more pancake mixture.
    Ren barely swallowed his growl of annoyance when his right hand man leaned in to swipe a speck of flour off her cheek.
    “Well, isn't this fucking cozy? What the hell is going on here?”
    Chairs scraped back as his men shot to their feet.  Susie jumped and dropped the bowl. Pancake mixture splattered across the floor, the kitchen units and up Ty’s trouser legs in result. The other man took a step away and over the worst of the mess, while shaking his head at Ren.
    “Jeez, boss, relax. Now, look what you made her do.”
    “I didn’t make her do anything. Seems to me she’s taken this all on by herself rather than waiting for my instructions. Did I give you permission to leave the cellar, girl?”
    Susie swallowed hard, clearly worried at his reaction, which she damn well ought to be. Right now he wanted to pummel her ass for her insolence and then fuck her silly, because she was here.
    She didn’t run away.
    The relief that flooded him at finding her here in his kitchen, safe and sound made his heart beat faster and his chest tighten in emotion, which only served to make him angrier. He didn’t want to fucking care about her.
    Her gaze flitted from Ty to Ren’s, which only served to piss him off more. Especially as Ty put his hands on her shoulders and flashed her a grin, guaranteed to melt any women’s panties. Heat blossomed in Susie’s cheeks, and Ren mentally rearranged Ty’s face with his fists.
    “Get your fucking hands off my property, Ty.”
    Ty blew out a breath, and turned around to face him.
    “Ren, seriously. She just made us breakfast. It’s damn good. You should try some.” Ty’s attempt at a smile changed to a frown when Ren’s mood seemed to dawn on him, and with a sigh he lifted his hands off the girl at last.
    Ren gave him a sharp nod, and

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