His Magick Touch

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Book: His Magick Touch by Samantha Gentry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Gentry
Tags: Erotic Romance
the bloodline. But…” He paused a moment, not sure about continuing. “But do you think it might be time, after all these years, to make that final emotional separation from her? To consider her as a stranger from now on? It was Miranda who dictated the circumstances. If she wants to salvage the relationship, it will need to be her decision. She will need to make the overture to you.”
    Raina emitted a heavy sigh of resignation. “I know it’s an impossible situation the way it is. I don’t know why Miranda has done so many terrible things, why she has betrayed all we hold close as our beliefs and who we are. I’ll probably never understand it.”
    She looked up and made eye contact with Devon. “I do know that you’re right. I need to let it go, to not dwell on the bad.” A sincere smile turned the corners of her mouth. “Let’s change the subject. This is supposed to be a nice lunch at the ocean, enjoying the sun out on the deck, then I’m going to show you around my city before the Samhain celebration begins.”
    He squeezed her hand and returned her smile. “You’re right. It’s much too nice of a day to dwell on negative things.” It’s just as well. We need to put the Miranda issue aside…for a while.
    The waitress brought their drinks, then a couple of minutes later John returned. “I have your table ready on the deck. I’ll have your server bring your wine glasses.” John showed them to a table next to the deck railing with an unobstructed ocean view. “Enjoy your lunch.” A minute later their drinks arrived and they placed their lunch order.
    Devon raised his wine glass toward Raina. “Here’s to a lovely lady, one I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time with, now and in the future.”
    “Thank you.” Her smile might have been shy, her voice quiet, but her eyes sparkled with the pleasure his words provided to her.
    After lunch, they went to the botanical gardens and finished the day with an early evening concert in the park with plans to take in the art museum in the morning. After grabbing a quick dinner, they returned to his hotel.
    Raina noticed her suitcase next to the bedroom closet. Just the knowledge that he wanted her to stay with him made her heart sing with joy. Everything about him excited her—the way he moved, the contours of his body, his handsome features. Her pussy tingled in anticipation of what the night would bring. And tonight, there would be more for her to experience, new pleasures to enjoy—a night with a man who took her breath away every time he touched her.
    Devon turned toward her, took her hand, and pulled her into his arms. He captured her mouth with a demanding kiss, one she eagerly accepted and enthusiastically returned. Her pulse raced and her heart pounded when he invaded her mouth with his tongue. She rubbed her body against his in response. His rapidly growing erection pressed against her belly, igniting all the passion they had previously shared and leaving her panting for more.
    Any pretense at a slow seduction refused to materialize. Their clothes ended up in a pile on the floor. They fell into bed wrapped in each other’s arms. Her entire body pulsed with need, and that need consisted solely of Devon’s magical touch and incredible expertise. She had never felt so open, so uninhibited…so alive.
    Their mouths clung together, tongues twining in a seductive mating ritual. She ran her hands across his tautly muscled back and her foot along his calf. The feel of his skin excited her senses, sending a ripple of anticipation coursing through her body. What would this evening’s lovemaking include?
    As if reading her mind, he provided an answer to her unasked question by turning her onto her stomach. She instantly complied with what he wanted, pulling her legs up and apart, making her ass available to him. She knew what he intended. A flash of anxiety darted through her body but just as quickly disappeared. She trusted him. He would be gentle

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