His Darkest Embrace

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Book: His Darkest Embrace by Juliana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliana Stone
however, and it had not been a pleasant visit. Her skin was clammy and cold from sweat. She arched her neck and pushed away the damp mass of hair that was sticking to her flesh. Her fast-beating heart actually hurt her chest, and she pressed trembling hands against her rib cage in an effort to stop it.
She’d had nightmares on and off for as long as she could remember. She’d go weeks without one, months even, but they always returned. The nightmares were a constant in her life that she could count on, without fail. The dreams were always the same: blurred images and overwhelming feelings of despair, terror, and pain.
As a young girl she would crawl into bed with her brother Finn, and he’d tell stories until late into the night, and eventually the terror would fade and she’d be able to fall asleep. It was as much a part of her life as breathing, really, and she’d learned to deal with the terror, to compartmentalize the intense feelings it brought to the surface.
But even she was having difficulty dealing with the frequency of the nightmares and the abject horror that had accompanied them in recent months. They’d started to intensify when she’d been held captive in the DaCosta compound. Many a night she’d woken, drenched in sweat, and by the end of her captivity she had a name to go along with her dreams: Azaiel.
She was unsure if he was real, or what the dreams meant, but she’d woken several times with the distinct impression that he’d touched her. Lain beside her.
That her dream demon was calling to her. That he wanted something.
Tiredly, Skye opened her eyes. She blinked slowly, waiting for her sleep-deprived brain to adjust. The soft glow from the torch that had been lit earlier reflected weirdly against the uneven rock face of the cavern. Shadows danced wickedly and she shuddered, suddenly wanting nothing more than to leave. She was lying on a stone ledge, with only the comfort of a wool blanket to cushion the solid surface.
Turning her head she winced as sharp pains shot down her neck and across her stiff shoulders. A small groan escaped and echoed across the vast cavern. She was suddenly aware that she was very much alone, and she twisted her body around as she frantically searched for Jagger.
But he was nowhere to be seen. The pallet he’d made for himself in the corner, opposite where she lay, was empty.
Skye jumped off the hard ledge and stretched out stiff muscles. The silence in the large cave was deafening, and she found herself fighting the urge to cover her ears with her hands.
Suddenly remembering her precious satchel, she breathed a huge sigh of relief as her fingers felt the familiar strap slung across her shoulders. She opened it up, just to make sure, and was relieved to see that all of her maps and notes were safe and secure.
She was so deep into the mountain, it was impossible to figure out what time it was, but if she were to hazard a guess, she’d say it was a few hours before dawn. She reveled in the strength she gained as Mother Sun slowly crept through the darkness.
But where the hell was the jaguar? Had he betrayed her? Was he at this very moment colluding with the DaCostas? Certainly they’d pay handsomely for her capture. They needed her in order to get their slimy paws on the portal.
The panic she’d felt earlier resurfaced as her thoughts continued to swirl. Skye had never felt so desperate and alone in her entire life. She didn’t like it. Not one bit.
She was an eagle knight, for God’s sakes. She should not be counting on a jaguar to protect her.
What the hell had she been thinking? It was time for her to put her big-girl pants on and get the show on the road.
Quickly she gathered up the bag of supplies that she’d dropped when she’d first arrived. She eyed the remaining bag that Jagger had carried, but realized it would just weigh her down. She’d travel much faster and farther, the less that she had to carry.
Once she had both her supplies and her satchel slung

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