His Dark Desires: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

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Book: His Dark Desires: A BWWM Billionaire Romance by Nina Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Evans
is, most of my colleagues could care less about how I conduct my personal life. The only thing they care about is how well I scratch their backs and how much business I bring them.”
    He leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss, and all my anger melted away.
    “And furthermore,” he continued. “Most of them are having affairs anyway. You think they care about what I’m doing?”
    I looked at him astonished. “Really? You know about their affairs?”
    James bobbed his head back and forth. “Some of them, yes. In fact, Sea Mist Estates is a popular place for single women. The rumor is that a lot of the men are arranging their reservations so that they have a secret romping place.”
    Well, that certainly was a secret world she knew nothing about.
    I shook my head in disbelief, thinking back to all the times, as a little girl, me and my friends would lie in bed, starry-eyed, hoping that someday our Prince Charming would come along, sweep us off our feet, and take us to the Sea Mist Estates for eternal bliss. Little did I know how many of those Prince Charmings were screwing someone else, and all behind their poor wives’ backs. Suddenly, the allure of that special vacation spot started to dwindle.
    James looked at me with skepticism. “You still want to go, right?” I must have had that look on my face. He was getting to where he could read me pretty well.
    “Yes,” I answered, nodding quickly then turning around so he couldn’t see the lie in my eyes. I walked to the closet and got out my suitcase.
    “See? I’m going to start packing right now,” I added with a smile.
    “Good,” James said. “Oh, don’t forget to call that new client. He had wanted to set up an appointment for a consultation so you can go ahead and set something up for next Monday.”
    “I’m on it,” I said. After what James had said about the Estates, I would have preferred staying home with him instead of going to some luxury resort-like place where people would probably look at me as though I was the “help” that Mr. Stone had decided to fuck.

    T he next morning , I woke up to the sun filtering through the window. And surprisingly enough, I actually felt some flutters of excitement at the thought of going to the beach with James. But when I rolled over in bed, he wasn’t there. He must have been anxious to get up and pack. He was definitely the typical man, waiting till the last minute to do those kinds of things. I had offered to pack for him late last night, but he told me not to worry about it.
    I got up and stumbled to the bathroom and wiped the cobwebs from my eyes. While I was brushing my teeth, James came in and slipped his hands inside my robe, crawling further upward to fondle my breasts.
    I started giggling until he got to my lady lumps. I gasped and jerked away.
    “Oh! I’m sorry, sweetheart. You must be sore,” he said.
    I felt bad for pulling away from him, but damn my tits hurt something fierce.
    “It’s okay,” I said, pushing his hand a little further south. I looked at his reflection in the mirror and he smiled at me, offering me that undisputed look of desire. Or more like pure animal lust.
    I guess we’re not going to wait until we get to Sea Mist?” I asked. I wasn’t one to argue when it came to James doing whatever he wanted with my body. But I did get the notion that he would be demanding it all weekend. And I loved it.
    He shook his head in the mirror and pushed my legs open with a few quick swats to the inside of my thighs. I bent over the sink and James lifted up the back of my silk robe. With the slip of a finger, he pulled my panties to the side. I could hear the sounds of him stroking himself, and I slipped my finger back and forth across my clit, quickly working up to an orgasm.
    He was fully dressed, so he pulled his cock out of his zipper.
    Quick and dirty . Sounded like the perfect pre-vacation fuck to me.
    I felt the head of his shaft push against my lips and I let out a little breath. I was

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